Shared on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 11:51As many of you know I am one of the ones that refuse to give up all the things I worked so hard to get. The thought of giving up all that crap never even crossed my mind. Why do I need some silly icon next to my name? I just want my guns and perks and to play the game the way I want to.
Well that is what I said two days ago. Then I got the itch. There it was that damn prestige button taunting me every time I looked at the barracks. Calling my name as if to say "comon, just try it, everyone is doing it". I quickly turned away and ignored the evil that was calling me. The next night as always it was time to see what challenges I needed and there it was. calling me once again Do it, Do it, DO IT!
Its powers are to strong it was pulling me in. Maybe I could just click on it, I say to myself. You know, just to see what it says. CLICK. Hmmm more info what could that be about CLICK! Ahh a warning. Well that’s that I’m backing out. I have defeated you once again demon.
Later that night
Game 1 game 2 game 3 wow, I sure am doing well tonight. Better check my stats. While looking things over I hear it "hey pssst, Over here" What was that? I ask my wife. Did you hear that? Hear what, she says. Oh never mind I must have had too much to drink. Then again "Comon just take a peek". There it goes again. Surely you must have heard it that time I asked. The look I received from my wife complete with rolling eyes says she clearly thinks I’m crazy. I turn back to the game and it happened "I'm waaaaiting",
STOP IT! I scream and shut down my Xbox.
Time to watch a movie, cook dinner, play with the kids, anything to take my mind off the tempting evils that are calling me. The night was coming to a close and I went to bed. Happy that I have once again defeated IW and there evil temptation. Till tomorrow
Little did I know that this night was far from over. As I lay there drifting to sleep it happens.
Thump thump, thump thump. “Come to me” . Thump thump, thump thump “ Keeeeeith”
I jump to my feet and I see it, an Erie glow is coming from the game room. Impossible I think to myself. A dream! Yea that’s it I’m dreaming. I laugh at myself and lay back down.
Thump thump, thump thump.
I sit up and once again I see that Erie glow from the game room. Then it hits me. This was no dream. IT was calling to me again. Don’t do it I think to myself. Your stronger then this, don’t let it beat you. Why am I doing this to myself it’s just a game right? NOOO. LEAVE ME ALONE!! I scream. The glow goes away as quickly as it arrived and all is quite. HA peace at last...
I wake up the next morning feeling satisfied that I made it another day. I head off to work and as always check the forums when I get in. WOW a whole post of people just like me all refusing to make the switch. It was like a whole team of reinforcements. After a long day I head home excited to play a few good games with the clan and relax. I get home, have my dinner and talk about my day with the family. After dinner I head off to get ready for a night of gaming.
I switch on the Xbox and head right for my stats. I push right through the barracks pretending that I did not even see the taunting icon. Little did I know I was not fooling anyone. It saw me coming from a mile away. As soon as I had that thought it started. This time was different. It was more sinister, more aggressive then ever. “DO IT NOW, DON”T BE A PUSSY” I shake it off and continue with what I was doing.
Then again “PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY blaaaaaa What a PUSSY!!”
In my anger I rush back to the icon and click it “I’ll show you who’s a pussy”. WAIT, what am I doing? I said I would never do this. Am I really going to let the minions of IW pull me even deeper into their little game? Am I really this weak? Ok I’m just going to view more info again. I’m not really going to go all the way. HMM it just says continue. What could it hurt to see what’s around the next corner right? Then it happens. I get a warning asking if I’m sure because there is no turning back, as if to say I’m not man enough to push forward.
My hands start sweating, my heart is pounding, and I close my eyes CLICK! Suddenly the room is filled with a booming evil laughter. Oh my god what have I done!! I snap back to the main menu. Is it really all gone? No more p90, no more 3 frag perk, no more running silent? It can’t be. NOOOOO it’s all gone. I compose myself for a few min and head into my first game stripped of all my noob owning powers. I enter the game and I see it. There it was shinning there for all to see right next to my name. I am instantly filled with a new feeling. This was not sadness, this was not fear. This my friends was the feeling of PRESTIGE!
Till we meet again evil IW minions
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Submitted by Durty on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 11:57
Submitted by th3midnighter on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 12:04
Submitted by Onesimos on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 12:06
Submitted by H2Daddy on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 12:10
Submitted by Ampresearch on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 12:11
Submitted by OldSkewl on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 12:29
Submitted by CRASHFIRE on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 12:59
Submitted by Ampresearch on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 13:01
Submitted by stang503421 on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 13:24
Submitted by Devonsangel on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 13:43