Shared on Wed, 08/28/2013 - 18:56After I got my gall bladder taken out in February, I've had awful acid reflux. The discomfort is there all the time, and sometimes, it hurts like a motherfucker. On Monday, I had a sales dinner with a partner company and we got a bottle of Zin. I had 3 glasses, and wouldn't you know, no more acid reflux pain for the rest of Monday and all of Tuesday. It started hurting again today, so I stopped off at the store and got a 4 pack of the single serving bottles of cab (I'm not much of a drinker these days). I drank one, and lo and behold, my symptoms have vanished. I wonder if I'm on to something...
Dragon*Con is coming this weekend. I'm not really into it this year. After last year's Celebration VI and Dragon*Con falling on subsequent weekends, I'm kind of burnt out on cons. I kind of want to go, but I'm already planning on skipping Saturday so I can either attend the Alabama game at the GA Dome, or watch it at home. I think I'm going to stick to board gaming for D*C this year. I'm about to start a DCC campaign, and they're running some Pathfinder campaigns, so that may be fun. I'm going to skip the parade. I still love the 501st and all my Star Wars costumes, just not a fan of some of the politics. Speaking of costumes, my Tie Pilot was approved, and I'm working on an Emperor Palpatine now. Unfortunately, my source for robes seems to be flaking out, so that may be a long while.
Game wise, I've been playing a lot of Marvel Heroes lately. Still playing Neverwinter, and was suckered into giving FF XIV another try. Papers, Please is probably the most fun I've had with a game in ages.
Board gaming wise, I've been on a Ticket to Ride kick and try to play it analog, digital or what have you as much as I can. I'm also getting more comfortable with X-Wing Miniatures. I was hoping for a tournament at Dragon*Con, but no such luck. I also picked up Space Hulk Death Angel card game, it's a fun but wicked hard solo experience. I've yet to play with a group of people.
- AngryJason's blog
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Submitted by H2Daddy on Wed, 08/28/2013 - 19:57
I need to break out my x-wings miniatures haven't played in forever. Great game and I am not even a huge SW fan. Just plays so well. I just bough Dungeons&Dragons The Legend of Drizzt and Dungeon. Still need to give LoD a try.