Shared on Fri, 07/05/2013 - 07:57The lady (and my mom) have been hounding me for a while to take everyone up to Boston for a summer vacation. I'm not usually one for vacations as such - I have a hard time relaxing. I have been on 2 real vacations since leaving college 18 years ago. So, with the Boston trip, I have been keeping it in mind, but it wasn't until earlier this week that the brevity of summer became apparent. I asked the lady when the boys were due to go back to school. The answer: August 12! I then had her run down the schedule and it looks like next week is about the only time we can make this trip. Of course, flights are crazy expensive, so I came up with the idea of renting a minivan and driving up. I'm kind of looking forward to it, as I've found that since quitting smoking, driving is a lot more pleasurable/tolerable. Also, I get to take my dog with me, so that's cool. I've planned out a good amount of things to do while we're up there, and it does look like this will be an active vacation with a lot of walking throughout Boston and the Cape. Of course, this morning, I woke up to a stiff back, and just driving to work was not fun, so who knows how 17-19 hours in a car will work out.
The bad back will have to get better soon as tonight, I'm scheduled to go visit friends in Alabama for the weekend. I plan on bringing my smoker and cooking up a nice turkey. The lady will be brining that today, and I just need to figure out what kind of wood I want to use. I'm currently thinking of going with cherry wood, and maybe finishing it off with a bit of hickory. Of course, we're scheduled to have rain all weekend, so I'm trying to decide what games to bring. My friends enjoyed Castle Panic last time, so I'll bring that, Pandemic, Cards Against Humanity and maybe King of Tokyo to round it out. Dixit may be another good one.
- AngryJason's blog
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Submitted by YEM on Fri, 07/05/2013 - 08:45
August 12th?!?!?!? That's crazy. When do they get out down there, begining of June?
Enjoy the trip up here!
Submitted by Raider30 on Fri, 07/05/2013 - 09:46
Definitely bring King of Tokyo - I've found that most enjoy the yahtzee type rolling of the dice, good natured trash talking, and speed of that game. Dixit is definitely a good one. Even "non-gamers" seem to really like that one.
Submitted by GUL74 on Fri, 07/05/2013 - 12:55
Here's a site that may help http://www.peek.com/activities-t43268-sightseeing_in_boston/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=3+boston&utm_term=tag+general&utm_content=sightseeing
The North end (Italian end) has some great places to eat . Harvard Square good for shopping,food places and seeing the weirdos or you could take a trip up to Kittery Maine which is nice .
This is the site for using the bus & train system in the Boston area
You could also check out Salem Ma and I believe you can take a train there (commuter rail) if you didnt want to drive it
Let me know if you need any other info
Submitted by Blue_Stiehl on Fri, 07/05/2013 - 15:18
Cherry wood works well with poultry.
If you rent a newer Chrysler Minivan, they have an adjustable lumbar support in the drivers seat.