Shared on Mon, 11/04/2013 - 08:25The PS4 is nearly upon us, and for the life of me, I can't find a damn launch game to play on it. I originally had the plan of going with Watch Dogs, with Drive Club as the backup racing game - I suck at racing games, so a f2p game that I can grow with sounds pretty nifty. Alas, these two are delayed, so what is there really to get? Knack seems to be missing the mark so far, and I believe the xbox will be my lead platform for multiplats due to my preference for the xbox style controller.
I figured I would go with Killzone, so I booted up KZ2 this weekend to get familiar with the universe. I found the controls to be crap, and made the game nearly unplayable for me. I felt like the controller was working against me, and it was just a frustrating effort. I can get my head around using R1 for shoot, rather than the more intuitive R2, but R3 being used for a critical mechanic like iron sights/zoom is a big problem. Couple with that the inability for sticky crouch, and crouching being L2, which seems wrong and I just can't get into this game. I analyzed my controller preferences and I think where I'm failing is that I expect character movement to be thumbs, weapons to be fingers and the KZ2 control scheme (yes, I tried a couple) seem to expect shooter controls to be an exercise in koyaanisqatsi. Needless to say, KZ4 will not be making an apperance in my shopping cart.
That leaves me in a dilly of a pickle. My only other thought is to get Assassin's Creed on the 4, but to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of Assassin's Creed. It's fun for a few hours, then I lose interest. Not saying I won't ever buy Assassin's Creed 4, but I'm going to wait for the inevitable $20 price in a few months. Also, according to the information I've seen thus far, it doesn't seem like ACIV on the PS4 is a noticeable increase over current gen. I want something that makes me feel like I did the right thing by early adopting. Sure, I could download DCUO, and that may be fun, but is it "spankin' new system" fun? I'm just not seeing a compelling reason to own the PS4 until The Order 1886 comes out.
I've also gotten the recommendation to keep the PS4 preorder and test the waters after release to see if I can make a quick profit by selling it. While this sounds fine, I'm not sure there will be shortage of PS4's. Releasing within 1 week of the xbox, and with a fairly paltry launch lineup, Sony doesn't want people who want to play BF4 or COD to just change their minds to the Bone - ditto MSFT. I think these mostly bullshit "shortages" of console releases past would work against both companies this year and as such, there will be plenty of stock for each.
On the Xbox One front (and really, I think Bone is a fine nickname for the system, I don't know why MSFT disagrees) - I think I'm going with Dead Rising 3 and maybe Forza 5. I will get the Killer Instinct "generous demo" and see where it goes from there. I may pick up Just Dance 2014 for the kids, so they can experience some new console fun. I'm also keeping an eye on Ryse. It looks really nice graphics wise, but I'm skeptical on the game itself - would like to be more informed before making that purchase. Since I don't play CoD or BF competitively, I'm going to wait until I've finished MW3 before heading into Ghosts. BF, I may pick up, may not - I'm more a fan of the Bad Company campaign. My lady doesn't know it yet, but she's fixing to be pissed off since Peggle 2 is being pushed back.
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