The Jedi Path


Shared on Thu, 09/30/2010 - 12:30

Yesterday, I had a nice little package waiting for me - The Jedi Path. It's pretty much a book for Star Wars geeks. It goes into all the details about the Jedi, gives a history, insight into their practices, all written from the perspective of a Jedi handbook. There are little trinkets inside, a napkin, a patch, Qui-Gon's padawan braid, a coin, all sorts of neat little things that make it seem like a Jedi scrapbook. There are also annotations. This part is hit or miss. Basically, the book will say something, and you'll be treated to "handwritten" comments from Luke, Asohka, Anakin, Yoda, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Dooku some other Jedi, and oddly, Palpatine. I took offense to one section of the book - talking about various races in the universe. I found it very stereotypical. Bothans are spies, Correllians are all Han Solo, Sullastans are navigators, Bith are musicians. It's kind of like if a race of beings had some screen time in Jedi, whatever they were doing is indicative of their entire people. It just seemed very lazy and didn't really do anything for me.

Anyway, it's a neat little book. Granted, it's for Star Wars geeks only. One last thing, I got the vault edition.  I tried linking a video of the vault opening, but evidently, I suck, and it didn't work.



Maxxie's picture
Submitted by Maxxie on Thu, 09/30/2010 - 21:48
I think it sounds pretty cool but I do agree the stereotyping of race seems very lazy. *goes off to investigate The Jedi Path....*

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