Miscellaneous Game Thoughts


Shared on Tue, 11/09/2010 - 23:03

Finished Force Unleashed 2 the other day.  It's not deserving of it's 63 metacritic score.  Sure, it's not perfect, but it's not a bad game either.  I found the light side ending very interesting.  Biggest turnoff was the voice acting - General Kotha sounds like Professor Farnsworth from Futurama, and Darth Vader sounds like Chad Vader.  I'd say it's about a 7.5. 

Gamestop had a sale, Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions for 39.99 and HAWX 2 for 19.99, so I jumped on both.  Haven't played HAWX 2, but played the first couple levels of Spiderman.  Not a bad game so far, once you get used to the controls.  I don't know how much time I'll put in.  My main concern is that at around the halfway point, the controls will catch up and make the game feel like a chore.

Pinball FX2 has been a good time.  I find a couple rounds to be a good way to unwind.

Got COD: Black Ops from Amazon today.  Maybe it's because I played Medal of Honor and Battlefield 2: BC back to back, but after 2 campaign missions, it just feels kind of "ho-hum".  The story does seem very interesting, and I did enjoy meeting with JFK, even though he fucked me and my brothers over at the Bay of Pigs.  I can't quite place my finger on my general blasé attitude towards this game.  Maybe it's that I have yet another AI that likes to get in my way. Maybe it's that enemy AI can walk unencumbered through my squadmates, and right up to me.  Maybe it's because a shotgun blast to an unarmored guard can knock him down sometimes, but won't always kill him.  Maybe it's because the enemy AI is a crack shot, with bullets hungry for my flesh alone.  Maybe it's because the game seems to force you to work against your intuition and puts environmental barriers near cover spots, trapping you in nade holes. Maybe I've just had enough of games with enough magic bullets to make the Warren Commission blush, or enough insta-death from something completely unknown.  Maybe I'm just bored with the same ol' formula and predictable scripted moments in game.  I don't know, I never even played through MW2's campaign, as I was turned off by all the "No Russian" hoopla.  I'm sure I'll keep going, as the story does seem engaging, something about the game itself though, just feels a bit off.  Maybe I just miss old school Ghost Recon.  Maybe I should go back to Operation Flashpoint. 

Still haven't opened Fable 3, SVR 2011 or Motion Sports for the Kinect.  Still gotta get some time in on Rock Band 3, and next week, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood comes in.  Hell, I haven't even finished the first 2.  Next week also brings EA Active 2, which may be a nice little way to tie some exercise into achievement whoring.


deSoldier2001's picture
Submitted by deSoldier2001 on Wed, 11/10/2010 - 09:13
I can only keep busy w/1 game at time. Playin COD 2 on suggestion about easy GS. Course on veteran, takes a bit longer.
AngryJason's picture
Submitted by AngryJason on Wed, 11/10/2010 - 11:24
Yeah, I saw you playing it last night - figured you were going for gamerscore.
deSoldier2001's picture
Submitted by deSoldier2001 on Wed, 11/10/2010 - 14:09
U are a cheevio whore. My clan is pushing this black ops on me, so prolly buy it today, see what all the buzz is bout. Anything w/zombies has to be desent.

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