A slight backlog opportunity?


Shared on Mon, 08/16/2010 - 22:30

Just went over the new release list for the next few weeks, and there really isn't much on the horizon.  I plan on buying Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, but will bypass Kane and Lynch: Dog Days - really, it's games like this that make me weep for gaming.  The first was a ho-hum affair, and just because there's a sequel, it's automatically assumed to be some sort of uber game.  Yes, I realize the hypocracy, especially after saying I'll buy a Lara Croft game.

Next week brings us Mafia II, which I'll pass on until a significant price drop.  This looks like Godfather II to me.  A decent enough game, but one I'll tire of after 6 hours.  Plus, I read how crashing your car kills you wicked easy.  That would frustrate and sadden me.  I'm holding out for $20.

There was this game called Shank for the 360.  At first glance, I thought it said 'Skank' and I was intrigued.  Damn my feeble eyes.  Pass.

Grease: The Game?  A title only the Wii could love.

Now, in the last week of August, we have Metroid: Other M.  I figure I can hold off on Metroid, as I still haven't played the Prime Trilogy on the Wii.  Then, in early September, we get Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions, of which I'm holding out hope.  Kingdom Hearts on the PSP.  Hawx 2.  Ruse (probably a PC purchase).  That week is followed up by Reach.  Two weeks after we go to reach, we get Dead Rising 2.   I'm a little burnt out on zombies lately.  They're everywhere these days from WWII games to Old West games.  Sure, it's Dead Rising, but I'd like to see if they took out the cheap bathroom save crap.  I'll probably get it, I'm just down on it at the moment.

Looks like if I play my cards right, I might get to actually Mirror's Edge here in the next month or so! 


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Mon, 08/16/2010 - 22:43
Until i decided to buy Reach, the only game I was looking forward to was Fable 3, other than that, the games i want to play now are all next year. So i decide dto get Reach mostly for the co-op features. So i've been gamescore farming, working on m 100k. Pretty close now. But ya i have a backlog of games to play, Tombraider Underworld being one of them, Godfather II is another one, Fallout 3 GOTY is another. Plenty to keep me occupied until something decent comes out.
AngryJason's picture
Submitted by AngryJason on Tue, 08/17/2010 - 07:39
Ahh yes, I too need to go back to Tomb Raider Underworld and Godfather II and Fallout 3 and Bioshock and Bioshock 2 and Uncharted 2 and Resistance 2 and Killzone 3 and Fable 2 and...too many to count.
TKBosss's picture
Submitted by TKBosss on Tue, 08/17/2010 - 09:36
Even though I have a small back log of games to finish, I'm too spend happy. I have already pre-purchased all the games you named, except Dead Rising 2. the first was too much of an annoyance to me. I wrecked several times in the Mafia II demo and never died. One crash my little convertible sports car was up to 80, when I hit a telephone pole, and I walked away. OK, ran, as the police were chasing me.

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