Star Wars in 3D - 2012


Shared on Wed, 09/29/2010 - 09:59

Well, in a move guaranteed to piss some folks off, George Lucas has officially announced that the Star Wars saga (eps 1-6) will be released in 3D starting in 2012.

Now, I'm a Star Wars fanboy, and I am fully prepared to admit that. Know what? I'm not bothered by this. In the interest of avoiding an internet "Jar Jar SUX" and "the changes are tantamount to treason" arguments, I'll just leave it at what it is. In the grand scheme of things, it keeps Star Wars out there, available to more fans to pick up and make a part of their lives. I'm blown away when I see kids who equate Star Wars more to the Clone Wars cartoons than the movies. If another round of kids can break away from the instant gratification of 24 hour kids channels to embrace Star Wars the way I did as a kid in 1977, then more power to them.


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