Jello Kittens


Shared on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 15:13
Let’s start with JELL-O

The main ingredient in jello is gelatin. Gelatin is made from cow and pig bones and connective tissue. You grind up the parts and then dissolve them in acid. You than boil the goo and skim the top layer off. This is dried and used to make jello and marshmallows and other gooey treats.


Hmm hmmm….


While at the farm on the weekend, we got to see the three day old kittens new to the family. Three day old kittens’ posses a kind of helpless cuteness that can only be measured in mega-cute-ons.


Bertt's picture
Submitted by Bertt on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 15:44
I wonder if kittens would make good Jell-O?
Aonon's picture
Submitted by Aonon on Fri, 10/12/2007 - 12:21
Think of Jello and Hotdogs as a eco friendly food. Nothing is wasted....
Aonon's picture
Submitted by Aonon on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 15:53
A lot of kittens maybe. You get more goo out of bigger animals. Cows and pigs being your sweet spot.
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 16:41
Actually, the kitten sweet spot is at the base of the brain pan. Mmmmm-mm, good stuff!
Aonon's picture
Submitted by Aonon on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 16:59
You need to be a good shot to hit that sweet spot.
siege912's picture
Submitted by siege912 on Fri, 10/12/2007 - 10:59
I used to love Jello. You have now ruined it for me. Hot dogs, FTW!

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