Two Worlds


Shared on Wed, 08/29/2007 - 11:33

  Two Worlds release was delayed in Canada due to bilingual manual issues. But yesterday I found out through the interweb grapevine that Two Worlds was available at Zellers of all places. And sure enough it was. Way to go Zellers. I as a rule I avoid any store with such a high concentration of fleece track pants and cheap baby clothes. But I can make exceptions.

How is Two Worlds you ask… Well… Its not next-gen that’s for sure, but not nearly as bad as people have painted it. It had potential, but lacks polish. I am curious as to how it past Microsoft’s rumored rigorous certification process.

As a rule I prefer content over eye-candy, and there seems to be a lot to do in Two Worlds. If you can look past the flat dialogue, robotic looking character animations and occasional frame rate stutter. You will find a game world full of cheesy stock fantasy races and conflicts. I would recommend this game to  anyone who has ever spent any time playing pencil and paper rpgs, it feels very much like a Saturday night D&D session, or like a game equivalent of a B-Movie. But turn away all ye who base game choices on 3 word print advertising slogans. This is not Oblivion on steroids. You are warned…


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