Oh Monday


Shared on Mon, 04/16/2007 - 11:44


Here is a picture that I took when my wife and I went to Cancun from the balcony of our hotel room.  I figured it would possibly help out with the crappy Monday work day.


NotStyro's picture
Submitted by NotStyro on Mon, 04/16/2007 - 11:58
Snow storm?
aspenextreme's picture
Submitted by aspenextreme on Mon, 04/16/2007 - 12:03
we did not get hit with the snow storm in denver this weekend but it did hit some of colorado. thankfully we did not get the snow and it was 70 degrees so i was very happy.
NotStyro's picture
Submitted by NotStyro on Mon, 04/16/2007 - 12:24
Sorry, my brain page faulted. Cancun looks very nice.
aspenextreme's picture
Submitted by aspenextreme on Mon, 04/16/2007 - 12:57
no worries.. i thought you meant denver because that is where i live now and the snow sucks.
Rhysode's picture
Submitted by Rhysode on Mon, 04/16/2007 - 13:06
I like your blog avatar.
aspenextreme's picture
Submitted by aspenextreme on Mon, 04/16/2007 - 13:15

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