A quick review


Shared on Tue, 12/28/2010 - 13:44

I have signed up for a free trial for Fallen Earth, the Post-apocalyptic MMO. When I saw this I fell in love almost instantly, it was everything I would ever want in an MMO…..sadly the controls are horrible, so bad it ruins everything else that this game does right. It was like they tried to mimic World of Warcraft controls, then added in the need to go into “Combat mode” with the Tab button (which I think is a massive negative), while in combat mode, the movement controls change completely, and if you forget to go out of combat mode before talking to a friendly, you will end up shooting them in the head and become an instant enemy to their entire faction….  Other than that, the crafting and gathering system is good, the combat had potential, but is again ruined by the controls.   Finally, once you finish the starting tutorial, the game gets very confusing. 

On another note, the movement feel very slow, however, at lvl 2 you get a horse, you summon it, ride it to the quest location, dismount, complete the quest, then get to spend the remainder of the evening trying to figure out where you left it.  (no dismissing your mount. if you dismount, it can easily be killed by a low level enemy!)
My scores….
Concept; 10
Graphics; 6
Controls/interface; 2
Crafting system; 8
Plot; 5
I say pass….at least until they give it a few updates.
Auto out-


AngryJason's picture
Submitted by AngryJason on Wed, 12/29/2010 - 09:23
I tried it at launch. I thought it was "just about there" as far as being a really good MMO, but as you pointed out, the controls and graphics just kill it. I thought the crafting system was ahead of it's time - in the sense that it really drives the game forward, and you cannot craft everything you need without getting with other tradespeople. However, going into combat was a pain, and the combat mechanics killed the experience. I really want to like the game, but it just falls short for a paid MMO experience. Hell, even if it were free, I'd probably still pass on it.

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