Sometimes I wonder…..


Shared on Wed, 12/22/2010 - 10:50

My office section often deals with returned checks for stupid reasons…..the one I just processed was a payment to the local post office...... it was returned due to lack of postage…..really?!?

A few co-workers and I are putting in orders for AR-15 stripped lower receivers, and at $65 each we are each getting 2-3. My first I have decided I would build a standard M16A1
My wife has given me one condition on putting this order through….I must make her one of these….
Me: well, how about this…..
 Her; no…..this.
Me: I could do this for you…..
Her: no….this.
Me; oh, ok… sure you don’t want something like this…..
It could be worse…..I could have 0 AR-15s as opposed to 1 AR-15 and one pink nightmare machine
Auto out-


H2Daddy's picture
Submitted by H2Daddy on Wed, 12/22/2010 - 11:01
Trying to get up the nerve myself to order a couple of stripped lowers. Been reading everything I can on Just not sure I know what I am doing. There is a place near me( that sells lowers for $69. Thought about picking up 2. I just look at how I want them to end up and it is a butt load of money. Trying to talk myself into the Smith and Wesson MP 15/22 and save myself a lot of money.
char's picture
Submitted by char on Wed, 12/22/2010 - 11:22
Pink guns FTW...LOL Your basement turned out great! You'll enjoy your new living space for years. You just added big time value to your house. Nice work you two! Hope you have a Happy Christmas!
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Wed, 12/22/2010 - 11:44
@H2, how's that AK treating you? @Char, with any luck there will still be more black than pink in my gun room, but at least she'll stand out at the range.
AngryJason's picture
Submitted by AngryJason on Wed, 12/22/2010 - 12:16
my girl would go apeshit for the Hello Kitty gun.
tarbs's picture
Submitted by tarbs on Wed, 12/22/2010 - 13:22
isn't that standard issue for the Queen Berets? :D
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Wed, 12/22/2010 - 14:12
@H2, sorry, I though I remembered you blogging about picking up an AK,.....but looking back, I can't seem to find it.....I must have been mistaken.
H2Daddy's picture
Submitted by H2Daddy on Wed, 12/22/2010 - 16:12
Nope not me. Did own one years ago. Bought it for $150. Early 90's maybe. Case of ammo was about $80. Those were the good old days. We would go up in the mountains and shoot big pine trees until they fell over. Sure wish I had bought a couple more of those and hung on to them.

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