Worst day ever….of all time.


Shared on Wed, 12/01/2010 - 09:20

(first the story I am supposed to tell...)

So, on the way home last night, after my wife published an amazing article that proved the relationship between the Venezuelan Army, the Japanese Yakuza, and Australia’s Auzzie First Rebel Alliance. We were passing by the local hockey stadium. It appeared the stadium was on fire and the only vehicle nearby was the bus from the local orphanage.
My wife in all of her caring and compassion ran into the burning stadium to rescue the orphans who were trapped at center ice. How she saw the ninja assassins sent to silencer her, I will never know but after a long and furious battle she defeated the ninjas with only a banged up knee and began rescuing the kids when one of the last ninjas (apparently out of throwing knives) threw a hockey puck at her. Sadly, it connected, shattering her tooth and bruised her face.
But through her broken tooth and cut, swelling lip, she did manage to tell me that it was totally worth the effort to see the smiling faces on those pathetic orphans’ faces.
(What actually happened)
On our way to meet her parents at a new Chinese Buffet, she tripped on a curb, banged her knee, and face planted on the sidewalk, shattering her front tooth, and bruising and scraping up the side of her face.
We called her dentist who gave her a long run around about her not having an appointment (oh, sorry I forgot to call 2 weeks ago and tell them she was going to trip.) So we called my dentist, who had me bring her in immediately. A partial root canal later and she had a temporary cap in place and she will have the root canal finished and a permanent cap next week.
And through all of this I am very glad of one thing…..her dad was there and he saw her fall so there will be no tension of him thinking I tuned her up….(and by tension I mean him, a retired cop, shooting me in the face)
Auto out-


Hunturic's picture
Submitted by Hunturic on Wed, 12/01/2010 - 10:48
Great way to post a bummed out story. I will have to share this one with my wife. She would want to discussed in such a herioc manner.

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