A little something different...


Shared on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 15:12
Down the deep red hallway there are sconces dimly lighting the surrounding area of their bases. The light shed gives just enough to encase the stretch of hall with soft basking shadows and clouded images of doors. That is surly where I am going, into one of those doors, behind the divine figure in front of me. Her waste is so small, legs tight, and hands look softer than any feather I have held in my lifetime. With streamline brunette strands pulled behind her ears the flow of hair just wisps across her swaying hips as she walks. So delicate this young woman is. As she leads me to the entrance of my chamber for an hour. I see her face, the soft curves of her jaw seem to lead you straight to her lips, which are thin but elegant. With a smile, teeth straight and sparkling white, she asks me to kindly undress and slide underneath the beige linens. I watched her as she left the room and began to denounce my clothes. In the corner was a water filled fountain, the whispers of sound it gave were so simple and calming. Behind it was a light so dim it could barely cast the leafy shadow of the fern that was next to it. As I looked at the unpillowed table I thought what a pleasure this was going to be. Lifting up the top sheet I slid my body slowly under, hoping not to disturb to clean pressed bedding job performed...I would hate to ruin the atmosphere of perfection right now. A subtle knock was at the door moments before my miniature goddess came through the entry. All smiles she asked if I was ready. Of course I was ready, I couldn't stop thinking of those soft hands caressing my skin since I first laid eyes upon them. Closed eyes I feel the warmth of her hands on my back, a scented oil was helping them glide along my spine. Her fingers pushing with a strength unexpected from a delicate form such as hers. The sensual process continued to my sides, where she brushed my breasts in accident. "I'm sorry," she said. "I don't mind at all," I replied. She moved to the small of my back where her hands slide under the sheets, every move she made was ever more seductive to me. She asked me to turn, I obliged. There she was, right above me where my eyes could follow her. She smiled and I thought I saw a playful look in her face...but I may have been mistaken. Her hands crossed my neck and down to the underpart of my arms, where once again she briskly swiped my breasts. This time, no apology was made and I simply raised the corner of my mouth in a smirk. She lifted the sheets to massage my legs, the thighs were the best part. Her fingers coming desperately close to the throbbing curve of body that all women possess. Once again I smiled and this time there was no doubt that the playful look returned.
So this is a short story I wrote in hopes of reading it at a Poetry Reading next week. I would love any input that you all may be able to share.
Thank you and I hope you all enjoyed.


IACO's picture
Submitted by IACO on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 18:56
The next time you got to a masage parlor I am sooo commin too.. no masage for me just want to watch:)
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 19:06
lol at iaco
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 19:54
Hot story! But "denounce my clothes"?
AutumnRocks's picture
Submitted by AutumnRocks on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 20:57
Yes, denounce! Who needs them anyway! :D
microscent's picture
Submitted by microscent on Mon, 04/14/2008 - 21:15
That is surly where I am going just spell check, other than that it's tantalizing.
jquack's picture
Submitted by jquack on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 15:49
if this is what happens at all massage parlors, I'm gonna start going. (just kidding...a Scrubs reference) Your descriptions are very thorough and detailed. I didn't have a problem at all imagining what kind of setting of was. Good story. Very well written
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 15:57
by a show of hands, who else spits on the TV during Orbitz commercials
AutumnRocks's picture
Submitted by AutumnRocks on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 16:20
I have never seen an Orbitz commercial. I didn't think it was bad enough to spit at, but you obviously don't agree. Point taken with a very large tablespoon of salt. :D
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 16:27
I was just being silly, it was not directed at your blog whatsoever
AutumnRocks's picture
Submitted by AutumnRocks on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 16:40
Oh, okay, thank you for clarifying!

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