Don't kiss pavement. Just sayin' ;)


Shared on Wed, 02/01/2012 - 09:23

A little slow this morning, physically and mentally, but I did make it in to work in one piece.  The only annoyance I had was a coal truck passing by and one piece hit my car.  I mean LOUD, too.  My initial reaction was “Fuck!” and then I looked over my windshield to see if it was cracked.  I have replaced far too many of them over the years.  Luckily I didn’t see a crack so it must have hit on the roof.  THAT, I can deal with.  Yay for living in coal territory P

As I was reading the WoW forums, I saw a post that pops up from time-to-time.  The subject was finding a relationship within the game.  There are those (and I know of 1 *waves at Emmi*), relationships that get their start that way. Most often I see that it didn’t work out, but then again, it takes a lot of maturity and determination to make it work. Oh and a little thing called l.o.v.e ;)   Things that I don’t think are overly abundant in WoW, or gaming in general for that matter.  Sure it would be great to game with someone that you are involved with.  I do think that it would come with it own bag of headaches.  I mean.. what if (notice I didn’t say when, because that would be jaded lol, but really, put ‘when’ in there.) everything falls apart.  Do you stop playing that game?  Do you transfer elsewhere (if possible)?  Do you change your name?  While on a very small scale when compared to IRL still sounds like a pain in the ass.  Question is, would it be worth the trade off?  *shrugs*  who knows.

So with patch 4.3.2 hitting WoW yesterday, I totally expected my fire mage to turn into a doorstop.  Apparently the nerf to fire mages wasn’t all that horrific. Even with:  Fireball damage has been reduced by roughly 6% and  pyroblast initial damage has been reduced by roughly 6%.  I was still breezing through my stuff.  True she is a lowbie, and she does have heirlooms out the wazoo, but my shaman never breezed by like that in the same area.  So I am thinking, ain’t no thang.  I’m glad though.  I just love hurling fireballs to kill things D

I have drank so much coffee this morning already, and yet I am still yawning.  All I want to do is curl up in my bed, listen to some nice ambient music playing on my ipod, and slowly slip back into slumberland.  Last night I dreamed I was rescuing 2 little boys.  It was from a high place.  I remember telling them to hold on tight, and I dropped out of something, or off of something, down to the water below.  It didn’t have a bad ending, but was unsettling all the same.  Tonight I hope to go back to part 2. D

Bossman is pacing this morning.  I hope he finally lights somewhere.


Buzz's picture
Submitted by Buzz on Wed, 02/01/2012 - 16:35
I never had a woman who was interested in gaming so I have no idea how that would work if you split up. Although I would imagine it's pretty much the same as dating a girl who is in the same band as you... It never goes well. lol
Az's picture
Submitted by Az on Thu, 02/02/2012 - 07:16
lol chances are it never does no matter

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