I Have Whiplash


Shared on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 07:44

No, not from injury.  Well, unless the shaking of the head over ignorance counts?  Here's the thing...  as I make my commute to work every morning, I am amazed, shocked and dare I say dumbfounded by the sheer ignorance of drivers.  I am not so egotistical to think I am perfect.  By no means.  Come on though, surely in these adult's lives, they have learned a thing or two about responsible driving.

1.  No.  It is not safe to drive while holding a cell phone to your ear.  I can say this  with all the experience in the world.  Oh I have done my fair share, but after one or two close calls, I've learned to put it down.  I will find my entertainment by other means than the person on the other end.  Oh, and it's probably not wise to drive 10 miles over the speed limit (70) in a congested area while talking on said cell. 

2.  So you are on the entrance ramp and you see ahead of you that the traffic has already started to back up.  This is a good time to decide to suck it up and wait in line.  Or.. you could... you know plan ahead and LEAVE EARLIER.  The alternative is not to back up on the ramp (which is a long merge) so that you can turn around and go a different direction.

3.  Driving a Mercedes does NOT come with special privileges. You still need to actually stop at stop signs, ya know? 

The bottom line is this:  Special snowflakes do not exist on the roadways.  Actually snowflakes melt into the pavement and are mooshed by the traffic.  Mooshed is a word, I tell you! Sadly these mooshed snowflakes take other snowflakes with them and THIS is where I have a problem.



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