PSA for Crooked Glasses Wearers


Shared on Fri, 06/08/2012 - 07:57


Crooked Glasses Wearers of the world, unite! /sigh So last night I picked up my new glasses. I can see again! Along with getting said glasses, the inevitable happened. As the technician was making sure they fit correctly I heard “They’re sitting crooked.” So for the gazillionth time I explained that yes, I know they are crooked, because my nose was broken by a softball when I was in school. Apparently THAT person’s aim wasn’t true (which game reference is that? :P ) and the ball, while having great momentum, bounced a few times on the ground and then bounced off my face. So, back to the present…glasses do not sit on my face perfectly. Oh adjustments help, but doesn’t completely do the trick. My lovely technician took the glasses and said “well I will take care of that right now!”. I smiled knowing that, it won’t stay that way, but patiently waited for her to fiddle with them. When she came back, she handed them to me to put back on and said “much better”. This morning, however, we are back to crooked. I can deal though… because I can see! Yay!!!! What is the moral to this story? The next time you see a person with crooked glasses, please do not judge. They may not be a nerd, or lazy, or anything like that. They just might have broken their nose and must deal with the consequences for the rest of their lives ;)

I did an image search for crooked glasses nerd, and a picture of Emma Watson popped up? WTF?

So. Guild Wars 2 BWE this weekend, yeah??? Woot. I am sooo looking forward to getting home and getting started. I will be streaming (for the one or two people who actually look :P ) Also, I think I have found a video editor that suits my needs, so after much fun this weekend, I will be editing and uploading the results. Good times :D

I best be getting to work, this pile of papers won’t catch on fire be  dealt with on their own ;)




LocGaw's picture
Submitted by LocGaw on Sat, 06/09/2012 - 05:43

Ha! Glasses never fit me right either. On a funny/sad note; I always thought it was because I was buying cheap glasses. Never thought it was because of a busted nose.

Az's picture
Submitted by Az on Sat, 06/09/2012 - 06:01

I've ran the gamut of glasses, and it never seems to matter how much I spend, the result is the same.  So, now I opt for the cheapie frames.  lol  The lens makes up the difference.

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