Readjusting gaming priorities, tried out a couple of guilds...


Shared on Tue, 04/03/2012 - 11:22

Since our guild stopping raiding officially, a few of us have been exploring other options.  For myself, I fell into doing PVP along with a couple of others as well as leveling alts.  I miss the chatter of guild chat, but I do love that my time is my own, and I can come and go as I please.  The benefit of PVP is that you can step in and be done in 30 min or so, take care of IRL stuff and then come back if you want.

I even tried out a couple of reroll guilds and believe me, there's some great people in them, but I found that they weren't for me.  The first one touted leveling to do rated bgs and arena.  That lasted 2 wks and the person running that group not only left the guild, but was also looking into a server transfer.  The other one has a great concept in mind.  Reroll with no boas or gold.  All from scratch.  The idea is to build a comradery with the other guildmates to create a solid base for a guild.  A fantastic idea.  I hit 2 snags though.  1.  I felt I was still needed in some kind of officer capacity within my main's guild (god, I am nothing, if not responsible /sigh) 2.  The group as a whole has a much younger average age level than what I am used to.  I am just not comfortable cussing around a 14 yr old (even if they might be 10 times worse than me). and 3: I 've done my time leveling a toon without the benefit of a complete set of heirlooms as well as the boost in XP for being in a level 25 guild.  So trying it now, blech.  I didn't like it at all.  My toon was slow, clunky, and I am used to buying enchants, etc when I need them.  Certainly not break the momentum by farming for gold.  Long story short, I did my time.  So... yeah.

During the time that some health issues has popped up with Mom, I am finding that my online time is far more erratic.  She's has dealt with the bulk of it, she still needs daily exercise and will NOT walk by herself.  So guess what I get to do every day?  Although, I do have to say that even though I probably wouldn't do it for myself, she is my motivation to walk and that can only be a good thing.












Need to get back to work, so I will just end this with /would like a beta key please.  :P


Have a good one!


ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 04/03/2012 - 11:35

+1 for helping family ...

Az's picture
Submitted by Az on Tue, 04/03/2012 - 11:44

Family first, always :)

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