A waste of a weekend


Shared on Mon, 06/04/2012 - 08:06

Only my weekend isn’t over yet, but it surely feels like it. After doing massive whining and complaining about the plague that I was given, I was feeling better most of Saturday, and even yesterday. I was a happy camper. I didn’t get everything accomplished, but it was enough to feel mildly happy about. So fast forward this morning. I wake up with a headache that can only be compared to the worst hangover ever. Not that *I* would know of such things :P but yeah, it was blinding and painful. I think to myself, coffee… that’s it. That’s what I need. So I get that made, prepare myself to enjoy that first sip and…. WTF? Now my stomach is upset? I could blow chunks, but I don’t have anything in my stomach to do that, so I must suffer this freaking queasiness.

I have now been up 45 minutes and I feel like someone has beat me up. I hurt from head to toe. Why oh why???? I have so much I want to do today, and I feel like utter shit.

Comcast update: So the nice tech never came back to bury the new line he ran. It’s sitting above ground and we need to freaking mow the grass. I call Comcast, and they say yes, they will come back and bury it, but I can’t put the request in because it’s primarily in the ex’s name. Are you freaking shitting me? Over 2 yrs of calls, and paying the bill with MY name, but NOW I can’t put the request in. So we have a legal form that has to be filled out along with a copy of our divorce papers so that I can call and have them finish the damned job. Yet again, Comcast I hate you so very, very much. Assholes.

I have the test video for gaming that I need to work with, so maybe I will do that until this crud passes.



Is it just me, or does it look like someone played a cruel photoshop prank on Christini Ricci’s picture? Who has a neck THAT long? I saw another picture that made her look even worse, almost like a bobblehead. I couldn’t stop staring.



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