When a raiding guild stops... raiding.


Shared on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 13:14

Tonight I have to stop at the store on my way home from work.  No rush, no hurried last minute chores before raid time.  Why?  We no longer raid.  I can't say that it is a surprise.  Real life trumps all and with the good news of people getting jobs, hours changing, etc....  there was no way we could keep going as is.  We could recruit and fill those spots, but honestly even the leader had difficulty juggling everything.  Let's face it, she IS the guild, she is the glue that keeps us together and in check.  So last night it was decided, we are going casual, at least for now.  Yeah, there is a minute amount of relief that I get my nights back, but moreso, I am sad.  We had fun.  I mean really lots of fun.  Was it stressful?  Yes.  Did we get frustrated? Oh yeah... but I tell ya, my favorite moment is and always will be that moment we downed Nefarion pre-nerf.  That was awesome.  We aren't on the most progressive server but we did hold our own and stayed in the top 10 Horde-side.

For now quite a few of us are playing Star Wars, and that is fun in its own way.  New content, different style of MMO (kinda  :P), and it is enjoyable.  We are all leveling, and there isn't a mad rush to be level capped (except for those crazy few :P).  We talk in vent (although it's hard at times, when you have to listen to quests instead of skim through reading them).  We stay in contact.

Sad? Yeah, but I still have my guild mates and THEY make things fun :)


TKBosss's picture
Submitted by TKBosss on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 13:22
So raid the store!!!!
H2Daddy's picture
Submitted by H2Daddy on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 13:24
Your blog almost makes me want to start playing again. I never got into the raiding thing. Tried to get into it but I never had the right gear so I ended up being a casual player. I enjoyed leveling a player up as much as anything. Probably because that was the only thing I half way knew how to do. I really enjoyed it but in the end, the lack of friends to play with killed it for me. (That and the fact my computer just didn't cut it) Sounds like you have a great group of friends to play with and basically, that is what gaming is all about.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 13:26
Well as long as they make them fun :)
LocGaw's picture
Submitted by LocGaw on Thu, 01/12/2012 - 11:56
I know it sucks when the group goes south. LS after LS went down for me on FFXI. I had an awesome social shell but socials don't do endgame. I tried WoW for a bit but KB and mouse games really agitate my arthritis. I forgot what level my mage and pally were...

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