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Shared on Fri, 01/11/2008 - 11:08

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Now I have not played a Metroid Game for at least 10 years or so.  And I was a little put off when it came to using the Wii controllers for something other than a sports game.

I have to say though, in all honesty, Metroid P3, ROCKS the SHIT.

I haven't had that much fun with a game that didn't  garner me achievements in I don't know how long. 


The control scheme, while it took a little bit, maybe 15mins to get used to is alot more inuitive than I thought it was going to be (unlike my spelling).  The ability to throw a energy graple with the nunchuck controller is pretty cool.  But its the way you interact with controls in the game that are pretty cool.  There are locks that you have to pull from the wall, rotate and then press back in and with the Wii controller, it feels more natural and using thumb sticks.

Lock on firing AKA Strafing:  Its a nice way to do things, you can miss the target while being locked on if you are sloppy in your aiming so it brings back the control to having to be used skillfully.

The graphics are pretty good to for a Wii console title, considering how under powered the Wii is to begin with as far as graphic quality goes.  It looks pretty good, shading and colors are fairly decent.  While it doesn't look next-gen, it definately isn't Last-gen either.

The new visor controls, while I think they are new since I haven't played the last couple of Metroid games are pretty cool.  Being able to examine controls and get info from things is a nice addition to the way things run.

Voices:  Yes, this one has some voice acting, while it is a little..well..high school melodrama sounding at times and forced, but its there, which is from what I get a big improvement.


The controls do tkae a bit to get used to, and sometimes its hard to get the view where you want it to be.  I am pretty sure this will get easier the more I play however.

Some of the buttons you need to use on the controller aren't exactly in great placement for ease of use.  But I think this is a fault mostly with the controller.  Certainly blame can be laid with the developer but if I udnerstand thigns right, you can map the controls to your preference so it might be easier to work with per person if this is done.

That's really it so far, I haven't really found to many faults with the game so far other than the controls.  I am pleased that it doesn't give me a headache while I play.

All in all, I give it:

7.5 Hand blasters out of 10.


sjam613's picture
Submitted by sjam613 on Fri, 01/11/2008 - 11:18
Great review though it is way too many words for me to actually read it.

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