

Shared on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 11:18

Occasionally I will find something that irritates the fuck out of me.  Its not the this thing is newly discovered, its just all of a sudden I realize how very very much it pisses me off.


This week:   People that won't get the fuck out of the way.   It doesn't matter if its driving or walking.  And honestly its mostly that I have noticed it while walking.   In particular, its heavy people.   I am not skinny, thin or fit by any stretch of the imagination, and I don't have anything against clinically obese people, other than the fact that they are a drain on our medical society, our economy and a burden in most other ways.  Its the fact that some of these fat fucks are so used to people moving to the side when they walk by that they become indigent when they are the ones that have to move.   Case in point.

On vacation we were at a dock side restaruant, a very low-key  place and there were a few small children, I would say no older than 6 years old playing in their area and having a good time.   Annoying as their little voices were, this is the point in which my brain started shrieking.   Along comes Fatty McLardAssington down the middle of the walk way through this area and she got pissy because the kids didn't move out of the way going as far as to say "excuxe me, you almost knocked me over!"  Which was impossible, which I informed her by simply stating "Lady a truck couldn't knock you over"   Mental note:  Don't say these things when with your wife.

Since that point it has become painfully obvious that there are SOOO many people in day to day life that just won't move out of your way when you ware walking, or anything.  I don't want people to "Get out of my way" but I think it should be a shared activity, both people should make the attempt to move to allow easier passage of someone passing by them.  Its just fucking common decency. 

I'm calling people on it from now on.  I started last night at Lowe's when mini-Baine was pushing a cart and this chunck fuck looked right at him and then walked infront of him making him halt to a stop.  Bullshit I say, so I apologized to the other person for the fact that they obviously didn't see or care about the person they stepped infront of.


FFS people, move out of the way.


ThePengwn's picture
Submitted by ThePengwn on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 11:22
Exactly! This is one of my pet peeves too. I hate when groups of people gather in the middle of a hallway or something and expect everyone to just go around. Idiots. It's a hallway....for walking......not for circle jerks.
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 11:24
to add to this, every morning when I take the elevator to my floor at work there is always some fuck standing RIGHT in front of the door just rearing to get on umm, let me off first idiot oh and "chunck fuck" made me tinkle
char's picture
Submitted by char on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 11:34
So you're the SOB that keeps honking at me cause I drive to Beep Beeep!!!
Hetfield's picture
Submitted by Hetfield on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 12:17
"Its just fucking common decency." Yes, You're right. And it seems fewer and fewer people have it anymore.
TheCarnivalAngel's picture
Submitted by TheCarnivalAngel on Fri, 08/29/2008 - 16:19
Rabb, you work in one of them thar tall buildin's? And you ride a moving box up and down it?! Well gawwwddamn boy that's sure sounds like a fun place to work! We have one of them thar movin' boxes at the utter hotel my company owns. I didn't ride it after the day it fell of them thar cables and kilt every last orphan on that thing, rest assured though it kilt the mexican working to support his I guess they traded 6 orphans for 7! Har har?

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