Queen of the Ryche


Shared on Sat, 07/25/2009 - 09:26

Went with my wife last night to a 1000 seat concert club here local.  One of my favorite bands from High School was playing, Queensryche.   They are on their American Soilder CD tour.  I have to say, ai don't care terribly much for alot of the new stuff they have put out for their last two CD's or so.  But they played music from three of their CD collections, Rage for Order, The American Soilder CD and motherfucking Empire.

I have to say, considering the size of the venue, they blew the god damn doors off the place.   Geoff Tates voice hasn't lost any range over the 28 years they have been doing this.  The band is technically excellent, I always go and expect something is a fe of the songs not to jive with how its supposed to go, a missed note, missed beat, but they didn't miss anything.  If you have ever seen them live or a live performance on TV or the net, they are just that damn good.  They played for a solid 2 hours and they natually did Empire for for the encoure.  My hearing came back possibly two hours after the show ended.

Well, after all of that, I know whats going to be on my Zune while I'm doing my yard work today.

On the gaming side, I have been trying to rebuild my collection with some older games I never gave a chance when they came out.

Hell, they were all cheap at GameStop so I figured why not, I have grabbed up Too Human, which I have to say, so far I don't like the controls one little bit.  I grabbed Forza 2, Need For Speed Undercover, and Ninja Gaiden II.  I have to finish Prototype still.   I guess its a good thing there has been alot of rain so i can spend some time inside.  

I've gotten my wife hooked on Little Big Planet for the PS3, its surprisingly fun actually.    I've played the shit out of InFamous also, jesus, that is game of the year as far as I am concerned, it is just so good.  Its actually one of those rare games for me that I want to play again.


Well, the suns out and I shoudl go mow the lawn before it starts to rain again, weather in NY has been absolute ASS so far this summer.


FallingMan's picture
Submitted by FallingMan on Sat, 07/25/2009 - 10:04
Nice. I've seen Queensryche live 4 times throughout the years and have been impressed each time. Flawless live band.
ElmanJo's picture
Submitted by ElmanJo on Sat, 07/25/2009 - 20:59
I couldn't get free to go the other night nor could I ever get my wife to go. Settled for Coldplay coming in Monday night at SPAC instead.
wilderz's picture
Submitted by wilderz on Sat, 08/01/2009 - 21:06
Operation Mindcrime is one of my favorite albums of all time! Chris DeGarmo and Mike Wilton are one of the most stellar guitar teams ever!
Baine's picture
Submitted by Baine on Mon, 07/27/2009 - 07:45
You have my condolences Elman...

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