So here I sit.


Shared on Sat, 06/07/2008 - 21:38

I'm in the airport at San Diego waiting for my flight back home.   Well...almost back home.   And I have to wait another 3  1/2 hours before the flight even boards.

I attended the National SVU meeting for the past few days.  SVU is the Society for Vascular Ultrasound and every year they hold a national conference meeting to go over new research, important legislation, insurance ramifications and new ideas on how to advance our area of expertise.   At the same time, it was a combined sectional meeting featuring the Society for Vascular Nursaing, and the Society of Vascylar Surgery.

I should take a quick moment to mention that I am in the airport and my laptop charger is not working right so I have my monitor dimmed down low to make the battery last longer, so my grammer will be even worse that normal.

Anyways, after three days here, I am more than ready to get back home and see my family.  It was a great meeting and inspiring in certain ways, I have a few new ideas on ways to get my staff organized better, ways to streamline some tests and a whole bunch of ideas on how to make our tests more inclusive of new ideas to provide physicians with more accurate and definitive information as well as making sure our patients get a fast, easy, painless test so they can get the treatment they may need.

One of the things I have decided is that I really need to get my ass in gear and get a Bachelors degree, its the best way to advacne and once i get that done, hopefully in time I will be in a position to become Technical Director of a Vascular Lab, be it the one I am involved with now, or one somewhere else.

But for now, I sit in the airport, I have three hours till the plane leaves, (10:15pm PST), a nice red eye flight to get me to dulles at around 6am, then back to the Albany International airport by around 9 am or so.

I have to say, the weather in San Diego is everything people have said it would be.   It was raining when we arrived on Wednesday night, part of that massive sotrm system that rolled across the country.   We got stuck on the runway at Dulles for about 90 mins because it struck right as we were getting ready to take off, actually if we had rolled out a few minutes earlier we would have missed the system and been on time.  Instead, we arrive in SD at around 7:45 Wed night.

I want to take this moment to thank my boss, you see, we decided that since we had to be at the airport and since we had to check out of the hotel at noon, we would eat at one of the many fine restaurants in the airport.  Sadly, instead of eating at the ones before you go through to the terminals, he said we should go through and then eat at the ones in the terminals.  

The irony, there are none in here.  My dinner has consited of a Frappucino and a hard ass bagel from Starbucks, or as I call it...Shit coffee.

I think its time to stroll through the closet sized gift shop and see if there is a 9 dollar bag of fuck me doritos to enjoy as desert.

Look forward to getting back on line with my friends in ClaNarchy and playing some games this next week.   Have to get it in, on Saturday next week we are leaving for family Vacation in Maine.


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