Shared on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 08:35That's how much charge my electronic razor said it had in it when I powered it up during the drive into work today as part of my thrice weekly shaving routine. It's my lame ass attempt to multi-task while stuck in traffic on the interstate during my 45 minute commute into the office. However, after about a minute or two, and a quarter of a shaven face - BOOM ... completely dead. Nothing on the screen, no blinking "charge it dumbass" icon, completely blank. First thing that goes through the mind is "Oh I need to turn around to get the charging cord." But then as I'm approaching the next exit to turn around at, it dawns on me - this isn't a dead battery...this is a dead razor. The thing is several years old, so it's not surprising, but still not something you plan for. So, after that epiphany, the mindset goes to "Oh what!?!"
Wal-Mart to the rescue! Fortunately there's a 24-hr store right on the way, so a quick 5 minute stop in and all is right in the world. Well, that is once I finish hiding in my office with my half-shaven face until I get enough charge to finish the job.
- BalekFekete's blog
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Submitted by dos on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 09:00
Submitted by MutusLetum on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 09:05
Submitted by Lithium on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 09:36