Shared on Thu, 08/28/2008 - 08:51For those who read my blog debriefing our recent family vacation, you'll remember we had a "meh" day where we took the kids to a place called Funspot in Weirs Beach, NH. We originally went for the candlestick bowling, and that was fun. But the real gem were the 300+ standup arcade and pinball machines from the 80s and 90s. You know, the games we all sunk countless quarters into while awaiting the consoles of today. It was an extreme sense of nostalgia, and it was good. 

I got that same nostalgia feeling last night after downloading and playing Castle Crashers. Talk about fun! For those under a rock, it's a newly released side-scrolling XBLA game. Gameplay is a mix of simple action with a smidge of RPG mixed in. It took me back immediately to the days of Double Dragon and TMNT, and even some of the more obscure titles I enjoyed as a kid (anyone every play NARCs? - wheelchair junkies throwing hypodermic needles FTW!).
The artistic style is superb, with a colorful pallet of pseudo-cel shaded characters going at each other with full abandon. Story is ... well, simple. You = knight. Princesses = kidnapped. Do what knights do - score a foursome!
The music is nicely mixed in and augments the experience well. Humor abounds for the player. When a fellow knight falls, you rush to his aid and perform CPR to get them back up. And, well there's no shortage of poo jokes either, from poo-propelled deer to flatulent bat creatures. It is sure to make every 5 year old playing (and the 5 year old within each of us
) snicker and even laugh out loud every now and then.

All in all, after a day of playing, I can already tell there won't be any buyers remorse on this title. Pick it up, and shoot over a FR. There's princesses to save, and knights to do the bidding!

- BalekFekete's blog
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