Shared on Mon, 01/22/2007 - 08:07So many good blog topics for this Monday morning…where to start...
Well, first off we hear that Hillary Clinton has officially announced she will be running for the presidency next year. Well, big surprise there. On top of that, she is already showing an overwhelming lead of over 25 points in preliminary polls for the Democratic nomination (per the NY Times). It very well may come down to a real chance of having a female in the oval office. With that said, can we get a bill passed that mandates a one-week per month switch of power to the highest ranking male so we don’t have a PMSing Hillary go and nuke some random country? Also…quite frankly…I don’t trust the would-be First Husband to pick out the china, do you? ;)
Then…some dipshit out in California has a bright idea to institute nanny government by introducing legislation that would make spanking illegal. That’s right…liberal Sally Lieber from Mountain View is proposing that anyone who would spank a child three years and under would be guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to up to a year in jail and fines up to $1,000. Listen…I can agree that hitting isn’t really ever the best choice of action in parenting your children. However, with that said, my mother chased after me (and sometimes caught me) with a wooden spoon she used to whack our Great Dane with, and here I am…not out beating baby seals and planning to take over the worl…well, anyways. Rather than trying to use her seat in government to ram down her personal beliefs (which, as someone without children, is all based on theory only rather than personal experience) down on the public at large, why not spend the time and money forming means to better educate parents out there to her cause, and let them decide the best course of action? Mmmm? Gee, what a concept. <rolls eyes>
And finally, on a lighter note, over 2 years after moving in, I finally made good on re-working the family room – or at least start to. What the room most desperately needed was a fresh coat of paint, which went up this Saturday. Two people (big props to my ever-wonderful wife) and 12 hours, and lo and behold, two coats and a nice, classy look to the room. Add to that some new vertical blinds (as the windows opposite the 65” HDTV face east, making for some NASTY pre-noon glare) and it’s coming together. On top of all that, I found the site I’ll use to decorate those new virgin walls after taking down all the miscellanous crap that was adorning them since we moved in. So, with getting a general nod from the wife and accountant (mind you, I didn’t mention price ;) I ordered up this this bad boy...
Balek is a happy camper. :)
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Submitted by Devonsangel on Mon, 01/22/2007 - 08:12