Life Lessons By Comic™


Shared on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 08:52
Those of us with a Y chromosome will appreciate this one.  Those of us without will be left scratching their heads, baffled at the idea.

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So, the question I pose is why is there this gender gap when it comes to reading materials in the bathroom?  My wife and I are classic examples of this living in one household.  While she can be in and out of the bathroom faster than a Marine in action.  My wife's bathroom speed rivals some of the best pit crews in NASCAR.  I picture the next addition to the master bath as a laser start/finish line at the doorway, and a leaderboard above the door jam.  Something within her brain just shifts everything into high gear the moment the light and fan go on, and push her to take care of business and move on as quickly as possible.

For's the polar opposite, with respect to dropping the kids off at the pool.  If it's just your random leak during the day, I think men probably share the same separation from the process as the women.  However, as soon as our cheeks have to touch the seat, it's a whole different ballgame.  As soon as that happens, I tend to find myself in the same type of solace that many feel when they step into a large cathedral.  The space is your own, the drone of the fan muffles any of the outside noise and clatter from the world going on around's peace for a short time.  And, as the comic suggests, during this time of meditation and relaxation, nothing goes better than a good read.  I'd be curious on how many 2o2p'ers have the required material carefully poised in their bathroom of choice?  How many take steps to ensure their time is not only relaxing, but productive as well? 

/me raises hand.  Right now, in the lower bathroom sits my trusty Prima Shadowrun Game Guide.  Upstairs, near the master bath, rests my current novel I'm in, easily placed to be picked up on the way in should I be upstairs when mother nature beckons.  And...if everything else fails, there's always a few random catalogues from the daily mail on the microwave that can serve as emergency material if needed. 

I'll confess, certainly not the most critical of blogs here, but something that just run true while clearing the desktop calendar today, and thought I'd share. 



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