Shared on Wed, 01/10/2007 - 07:44
Ok, don't lie. We've all felt this way. Whether it be at work (most likely) or at home, people sometimes say stupid things. Hell, if we were to take a good honest look in the mirror, I think we'd all admit to doing the same thing - sometimes more often than we would like.
The real issue comes with how we react to those situations. While tying the person up, slapping on some duct tape, and giving a swift boot to the arse sure sounds good at the time, well, at least at work that’d be what is called a CLA, or Career Limiting Action eh?
So how DO you react to sheer stupidity with grace, poise, and a sense of balance? Well, when you figure it out, let me know because it’s still something I’m working on. Am I the only one who finds it incredibly hard not to cock an eyebrow at the person, and put on the “WTF” face? The problem is that’s only a tier down from the rope and tape method. I’ve been nabbed with it, and it makes for a VERY uncomfortable situation.
I suppose it starts with, as the comic said, a good dose of patience. Being able to sit back, absorb what is said first, and then – just as importantly – to see the comment from the speaker’s point of view. I’ve been known to be rather short sighted, another character flaw I’m working to resolve somehow, someway. I have a very analytical mind, and can from time to time jump right onto a single conclusion or action plan without considering other plans which could be just as viable, if not more so. Let’s just leave that as a work in progress.Anyways, just something that struck home as I read this, and figured I might share it with the community. </me gets off the couch>
Take it easy.
- BalekFekete's blog
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Submitted by Jedi_Kez on Fri, 04/20/2007 - 09:32
Submitted by Devonsangel on Tue, 04/10/2007 - 09:18
Submitted by Devonsangel on Wed, 02/07/2007 - 08:44
Submitted by DreadPirate75 on Wed, 02/07/2007 - 09:11
Submitted by English_C6H6 on Wed, 02/07/2007 - 09:45
Submitted by Deman267 on Tue, 04/10/2007 - 11:35