Pleasant Surprises


Shared on Thu, 07/31/2008 - 08:23
Every now and then our kids do something that really makes a person proud to be a parent. Whether it's being especially courtious to a stranger by holding open a door at a restaurant, unexpectantly doing something around the house without being asked, or heck, just being civil to their brothers and/or sisters for a moment in time...they're the moments we as parents live for. Well, yesterday my daughter took it upon herself to knock another one out of the ballpark in my little book, and I couldn't be more proud of her.
Yesterday, she decided to take part in Locks Of Love. For those who don't know and don't have time to hit the link, Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 18 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. The way she put it... "There's someone out there who needs this hair more than I do". I was beaming.
I don't have a before picture, but don't tell me the after isn't about as cute as they come.



JUSTKILLME2's picture
Submitted by JUSTKILLME2 on Thu, 07/31/2008 - 08:28
you can tell her that is worth at least 5 cool point in my book my wife did it when she had hair down to her butt she got it cut off at neck level and has been growning it again

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