Its The Hole in The Ground Stupid!


Shared on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 10:29
BioRod is still my hero :-), but The Bat has found another to join the ranks of my list of Heroes and his name is Keith Olberman!!

In all the other madness and distraction over the last couple years I hadn't even thought about this aspect of our governments neglect. I find it so very sad. However, it is extremely refreshing to hear some one on main stream media for the first time truly standing up for the people and for the country and talking truth to power.


This guy is quickly becoming a true American Hero. A lone voice challenging the lies and the spin.
Now if we could just get the Democrats to talk like this!




MTK005's picture
Submitted by MTK005 on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 10:43
I watched the 9/11 one from last night live, since the g/f and I watch Countdown every night with dinner (we're political junkies, sue me). I was so overwhelmed by how well worded it was that I was speechless. I was going to look for the youtube link today, but you found it for me. this one is something to watch now, and keep tabs on and watch later. I try not to be overtly political on 2o2p, but this so echoed my personal feelings that I cannot help it.
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 11:24
I can't applaud that clip long enough and feel that I'd do it an injustice to clap with only two hands. BTW, thanks for the compliment, Batman.
Raider30's picture
Submitted by Raider30 on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 11:45
I'm on a lunch break right now so I can't give the above videos the attention they deserve but I'll say this: The first video is wrong on so many levels. KO is basically saying that everything is the President's fault, from the still empy 'hole in the ground' to the Iraq war. But seriously the President is ONE person. How can you possibly blame him for not having a hole in New York City fixed? How is he responsible for the various lawsuits filed by dozens of different parties/groups dealing with that area? Does KO simply think that the Pres can just walk in and tell everyone to knock it off and get something done? We all know what would happen if he tried that, all the people on the other side(dems, liberals, anyone who thought something different) would be up in arms and accuse Bush of trying to take over, of trying to force his plans on them, etc. Its ridiculous. KO totally glossed over the issues surrounding where the towers once stood and simply elected to blame it on Bush. How on earth can you say that he's "challenging the spin"? And lets not forget the not so subtle way that KO implied that Bush lied about the reasons for Iraq and the he alone is responsible for getting us into that war. How is that not spin? The facts are out there and include but are not limited to the small fact that the DEMOCRATS(most of them) voted to give him the power to go to Iraq, despite how they've tried to spin their way out of their vote, thats what it was for and they all knew it. It is also a fact that just because we didn't find vast expanses of WMD's that we, as a government - INCLUDING the democrats in said government, and along with foreign governments BELIEVED at that time that there were indeed WMD's. It makes the intelligence we had wrong, it does not make Bush a liar. And KO's whole commentary about Bush branding people as "morally or intellectually confused, as appeasers". Oh please. What else could you possibly call someone who wants to continue to talk, to hold dialogue with people who are intent on killing us whenever and whereever they can? If thats not intellectually confused then I don't know what is. Unfortunately all KO did was spend his time ragging on Bush. He didn't offer a single solution to any of the problems he brought up, nor did he address the fact that BOTH sides are responsible for the crappy condition of our political state.
Cranefolder's picture
Submitted by Cranefolder on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 12:18
Keith Olberman is officially my new hero. He has come a long way from "he put the biscuit in the basket." Great find Bats. I was unaware that there was even anybody like this on television. I thought all we had left were clowns like O'Reily. Keith Olberman for President!
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 12:36
The monument for Pearl Harbor was not even tasked until 42 years later. The WWII monument took 59 years from V-day. The OK city memorial opened a week ago. Not to sound insensitive to those in NY (I absolutely feel the same sense of loss as anyone else on that day not counting those who's families suffered actual loss) but just 'cause your city isn't getting it's memorial as quickly as you'd like isn't reason to get up a cry and piss and moan on tv. Yours was not the only travesty ever experienced in the world. KO and Bill O are the same people talking out two different sides of their mouths. Both claim "spin" by the opposing party yet both spin more than anyone else I've seen.
DrPlague's picture
Submitted by DrPlague on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 12:49
I have nothing but respect for KO. I am a huge fan of his and never miss Countdown.
Cranefolder's picture
Submitted by Cranefolder on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 13:04
Don't get it twisted. Keith's main point is not about the physical hole in the ground. He is using that as a metaphor, and I think it was brilliant. If you think his beef was over the memorial then you completely missed the point of what he was saying. It's deeper than that. The missing memorial is just the cherry on top of the whole shit sundae that the Whitehouse has been trying to get the American public to eat since 9/11.
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 13:33
I guess I'm just saying that the premise he used to base his rant on the white house for is a poor one. As far as the "sundae", I guess I'd refer you to Raiders comments, as the mostly echo my own take. Righteous indignation and eloquance (sp) do not mean that anything of substance was actually offered. Only another rant. The idea that Bush has some how been treated with kid gloves is laughable. This is why I basically avoid the news anymore. It's more about political warfare than fact based reporting. FROM BOTH SIDES!! I probably come across as a GW groupie, that's far from the case. If anything, I'm becoming more anti-press than anti-party.
wareaglebeene1's picture
Submitted by wareaglebeene1 on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 14:37
By the way, if you saw Giuliani on NBC Nightly News(9/11/06) address the lack of what has been done at the WTC site you would not be able to say much. He handled the question better than anyone could. I wish I could find the clip (of him and Tom Brokaw[he came back for this episode]) but I guess the "left" is not so quick to throw up videos that take away their arguements.
Deman267's picture
Submitted by Deman267 on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 15:15
Kieth O.Our Edward Murrow.

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