6 months of madness at my job!


Shared on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 11:06
So, I have been with my current company about 6 months. Conservative company, very low turnover, long-time employees, etc. Well, they decided it was time to shake things a bit around the same time I hopped on board this train - ha! So, here is what has happened during this time:

1. I opened a state.
2. I gained an additional state, bringing my total to 3 states.
3. The way I conduct business in 2 of the 3 states completely changed.
4. Some field people were laid off in February.
5. I switched from the east to the west territory in April, which meant a new boss(Memphis in the West Territory?!!?)
6. Some more people were laid off in May.
7. I just switched back to the east territory last week, thus switching back to the boss who hired me.
8. My territory in my home state changed.

Whew! Not to mention several departmental shifts and all. Actually, all of these things needed to happen years ago gradually, but they delayed forever and had to play catch-up now. At least things seem like they will be this way for a good while, but who knows!  At least the company informed most of the people who were let go well in advance (some even up to a year) as well as bringing in some resume and placement professionals to assist.  They also gave a good severance package as well.

Anyway, at least it has been interesting!!!


madwoman's picture
Submitted by madwoman on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 11:22
I don't know if being let go is ever good for some people. Some people mind you, it may be okay for, I don't know, never been in that situation personally so I can't say. My aunt is currently in a situation where there are six people doing the same job. They were told two months ago that this would be condensed to 2 jobs. The company also hoped to intice a few of the older ones to retire early with a very nice severance. Well, those two refused. There are still six people doing what should only be a two person job waiting to be told any day now who will be "let go". The stress my aunt is going through is unbearable. She is the sole income of her HH and been with the company 33 years. She constantly worried wether she will be the "one" to be let go. I feel for anyone who is told they will be let go. That is tough, regardless of who you are. Sorry, nothing personal toward you Bear, your a great person...it just kinda hit a raw nerver with me. Good luck with everything. By the way, where was your picture taken? I always wonder when I see your pic?
bear96's picture
Submitted by bear96 on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 11:30
No offense taken, I understand your point and her situation certainly is tough, especially being the sole income and such a long track record. That is the side of the corporate world I despise, and hopefully will leave one day in the dust with my own ventures.
madwoman's picture
Submitted by madwoman on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 11:44
Yeah, I realized once I started on my tirade how it sounded. I am just worried for her. I am doing the best I can to help her, and I try to keep her faith up but its tough. Hopefully things will settle down in your area. Nothing I hated more was constant upheaval in my job. Get things going smooth, get to know people, Bam! Move! Hated it! Good luck!

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