Fantasy Football Time!


Shared on Sat, 08/04/2007 - 15:34
August! Time to start tweaking our fantasy league, rules, etc. in preparation for our upcoming draft.  I like to wait until after training camps are all over in case anyone sustains an injury.  I have already seen a few this past week that concern me, since they are players I have been considering.  I have some new rules and ideas in mind that I think are going to make this year really competitive across our 3 divisions.

It's also time to start working on the new t-shirt design and team logos.  While it wreaks of uber geek, it's a lot of fun to design.

I have a good league - we have a bunch of people who are really interested in keeping up with it each week, but we don't take ourselves too serious.  And we use a free site so it does not cost anything.  We do try to come up with something small for the winner.  Anyway, I can't wait - it's almost here!  


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