Found rental solution, then got the shaft.


Shared on Wed, 11/21/2007 - 08:58
I mentioned gameznflix in my last blog and how I finally was fed up of losing money even with credits to my account, so I had cancelled. Which was fine until Orange Box and COD4 came out and I knew I wanted to play those but not necessarily buy them. So, I hunted around yet again and stumbled across a nice compromise with gamefly. If you also signed up at and watched 30 second ads and rated them with 1 or 2 questions afterward, your brightspot account was credited 50 cents each time up to $10 per month. They partnered with gamefly and you could then use the credit towards your monthly fee. So, for me it would be 2 games per month at 12.95 instead of 22.95 - sign me up!!!

It took literally 4 minutes for me to finish and answer the first 6 ads. The question after each was a no brainer. Instantly, I had $3 credit. I filled out some more personalized questions and requested the types of ads I would like to see and a couple of days later I had an e-mail telling me I had more ads available to watch. I thought this would put me over halfway to my $10 credit and was actually looking forward to it. I planned on doing that today but last night received a message from a fellow clan and brightspot member and once again I got the shaft. Here's what is posted on brightspot right now:

14 months!  Boy, did I pick some great timing to sign up or what?
So, the hunt continues.... aarrgghh.


Krazy_E's picture
Submitted by Krazy_E on Wed, 11/21/2007 - 10:46
Sorry to hear about all the hassles you've been having to deal with. Hope you find a good solution soon.
Mr_Duke_Togo's picture
Submitted by Mr_Duke_Togo on Wed, 11/21/2007 - 11:46
Yeah, this is weak dude. I did get another email from Gamefly about the issue and it said that Brightspot plans to be back up and running at somepoint but no ETA. Guess we can keep our fingers crossed.
OrzoKhan's picture
Submitted by OrzoKhan on Wed, 11/21/2007 - 17:47
We did the $10 off a month for as long as Bightspot was around. I love Gameflys servce and still will pay $22 just with a sadder face

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