And so it begins.....


Shared on Tue, 01/17/2012 - 11:15

Well, what do we have here?

A Blog?  I guess since I have nothing better to do on my lunch breaks, I might as well hop on here and inform you guys about just how boring and unimportant the things are that I have to do or say.  Who knows, once in awhile I might even say something witty, or entertaining, maybe even smart.  But, don't hold your breath, this is COMPLETELY new and I have no clue what I'm doing.

See you around.


hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Sun, 04/19/2009 - 10:09
I love updates! Glad you made it off ok! :)
Durty's picture
Submitted by Durty on Sun, 04/19/2009 - 11:41
I'm glad you're having fun :) Can't wait to see you!
char's picture
Submitted by char on Sun, 04/19/2009 - 16:01
Sounds like fun! My last cat was that way. I couldn't get her into a cat carrier without her turning into the Tasmanian devil. I’m not even kidding. I had to fly with her. The flight was delayed. Her drugs worn off that the vet gave me. Three hours later, we board the plane. I’m sitting in my seat and the only way she would calm down was to sleep in my lap. She falls into a deep sleep (still drugged). Along came the flight attendant. She eyes my peacefully sleeping cat. The attendant had a fit! PUT THE CAT AWAY!!!! THE CAT CAN’T DO THAT! The guy sitting next to me told the attendant to leave the cat alone; it was sleeping and acting better than the kids behind us. No luck. I tried for fifteen minutes to get her in the cat carrier. She went ballistic on me. She grabbed the back of the seat in front of me and wouldn’t let go. While she hissed and meow like a she devil, the guy sitting next to me helped me get her into her carrier. It was a brand new soft carrier. By the time the plane landed, she had torn it apart. She was always fine until you bring out the carrier. Then hide, or run…. run is the better choice….lol Have a great trip and stay safe!
pearly_54's picture
Submitted by pearly_54 on Sun, 04/19/2009 - 19:54
@ char...nice story. Cats will be cats, I guess. @rumbagod...mmmmmmm
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Tue, 01/17/2012 - 12:13
Welcome and don't worry about not having a clue. Most of the folks here are in the same boat and the ones who do have a clue don't know what to do with the clues they have! As far as boring and unimportant, that also describes the majority of us but don't let that stop you!
GUL74's picture
Submitted by GUL74 on Tue, 01/17/2012 - 13:54
Just do what I do say whats runningthrough your head or problems that are getting to you or even just random anythings Oh and I'm GUL74 nice to meet you
BlowMonkey's picture
Submitted by BlowMonkey on Wed, 01/18/2012 - 15:16
Go Leafs Go!
rumbagod's picture
Submitted by rumbagod on Sun, 04/19/2009 - 06:59
fun times :) be careful driving....smack parottt for me at least twice ;)

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