Shared on Mon, 01/16/2012 - 05:19So, my first experience with brewing the delicious adult beverage went a little sketchy. i will get to it in a bit. without further ado......
started by sanitising EVERYTHING i was going to use for the day. I had some cleaner that came with the initial equipment, but instead went and got some 1step and used it instead.
While everything was getting nice and clean, I put two and a half gallons into the pot and started to get it to temp so i could steep the specialty grains.
Steeping instructions were to steep for 20 mins. or until temps got up to 170 degrees.
Once the 20 min. was up, i discarded the grains, brought the water to boil, then put the lme into the boil.
At this point, it was a game of check the boil and help my wife study for her phlebotomy test.
I was going back and fourth between testing my wife and checking the boil. I didnt want to step away, but to save myself from an argument, i helped my wife.
I went back to check the boil and......the next pic explains it all.....
I blame my wife for this. I was so mad. I didnt think this would happen on my first batch ever, but a watched pot never boils over, an unwatched pot always boils over. i should have watched it closer.
That was only at the 10 min. mark.......ugh. I was so dissapointed in myself, but its a lesson learned.
I finished the 60 min. boil, chilled it back down to at least 100 degrees, filled my fermenter with 2 gal. of cold water. Then I transferred the wort into the bucket, filled the remaining 5 gal. of water, pitched my yeast, then sealed it. I put it in the spare bathroom tub cause we dont really use it that much. That way its undesturbed and will stay warm. I was worried because after a couple of hours later, I couldnt see any bubbles in my airlock. My wife reassured me saying "give it some time." I checked it this morning and I got BUBBLES!
Im so excited!
well, that concludes day one of my first brewing experience. I will post again when something happens again.
all for brew, brew for all!
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Submitted by Claude505 on Mon, 01/16/2012 - 07:49
Submitted by Claude505 on Mon, 01/16/2012 - 07:49
Submitted by Claude505 on Mon, 01/16/2012 - 07:49
Submitted by Snuphy on Mon, 01/16/2012 - 09:52
Submitted by bi9_ca7 on Mon, 01/16/2012 - 12:12