my first brew day is over.....


Shared on Mon, 01/16/2012 - 05:19

So, my first experience with brewing the delicious adult beverage went a little sketchy. i will get to it in a bit. without further ado......

started by sanitising EVERYTHING i was going to use for the day. I had some cleaner that came with the initial equipment, but instead went and got some 1step and used it instead.

While everything was getting nice and clean, I put two and a half gallons into the pot and started to get it to temp so i could steep the specialty grains.



Steeping instructions were to steep for 20 mins. or until temps got up to 170 degrees.

Once the 20 min. was up, i discarded the grains, brought the water to boil, then put the lme into the boil.

At this point, it was a game of check the boil and help my wife study for her phlebotomy test.


I was going back and fourth between testing my wife and checking the boil. I didnt want to step away, but to save myself from an argument, i helped my wife.

I went back to check the boil and......the next pic explains it all.....


I blame my wife for this. I was so mad. I didnt think this would happen on my first batch ever, but a watched pot never boils over, an unwatched pot always boils over. i should have watched it closer.

That was only at the 10 min. mark.......ugh. I was so dissapointed in myself, but its a lesson learned.

I finished the 60 min. boil, chilled it back down to at least 100 degrees, filled my fermenter with 2 gal. of cold water. Then I transferred the wort into the bucket, filled the remaining 5 gal. of water, pitched my yeast, then sealed it. I put it in the spare bathroom tub cause we dont really use it that much. That way its undesturbed and will stay warm. I was worried because after a couple of hours later, I couldnt see any bubbles in my airlock. My wife reassured me saying "give it some time." I checked it this morning and I got BUBBLES!

Im so excited!

well, that concludes day one of my first brewing experience. I will post again when something happens again.

all for brew, brew for all!



Claude505's picture
Submitted by Claude505 on Mon, 01/16/2012 - 07:49
"I didnt think this would happen on my first batch ever" HAHAHA... what the hell made you think that? That's the first thing that I would have told you would happen on your first batch. And, that first 10-15 minutes is always when it happens.
Claude505's picture
Submitted by Claude505 on Mon, 01/16/2012 - 07:49
"I didnt think this would happen on my first batch ever" HAHAHA... what the hell made you think that? That's the first thing that I would have told you would happen on your first batch. And, that first 10-15 minutes is always when it happens.
Claude505's picture
Submitted by Claude505 on Mon, 01/16/2012 - 07:49
Snuphy's picture
Submitted by Snuphy on Mon, 01/16/2012 - 09:52
Congrats on your first brew !!! Bubbling airlocks are happy sights. And smells. You'll eventually develop a list of things NOT to do when you brew. Sounds like you already started your list. Boilovers can happen in a matter of seconds, even in an phlebotomy emergency. Once the boil starts and you get your first hop addition in the pot, you should be able turn down the heat to get a steady boil. Then the danger of a boilover is pretty much gone and you have time to study both phlebotomy and women's anatomy. What did you brew? And what are you planning for your next batch? Can't wait to hear how it came out.
bi9_ca7's picture
Submitted by bi9_ca7 on Mon, 01/16/2012 - 12:12
thanks snuph! i will post when its ready. as for my next batch, i havent given it a thought yet, but i will do another. i have a cream ale in the fermentor right now......cant wait!

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