Exploring the Candidates - Taxes


Shared on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 11:44


- Keep the top tax rate at 35 percent, maintain the 15 percent rates on dividends and capital gains, and phase-out the Alternative Minimum Tax.
- Cut The Corporate Tax Rate From 35 To 25 Percent
- Establish Permanent Tax Credit Equal To 10 Percent Of Wages Spent On R&D

- Cut taxes for 95 percent of workers and their families with a tax cut of $500 for workers or $1,000 for working couples.
- Eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses, cut corporate taxes for firms that invest and create jobs in the United States, and provide tax credits to reduce the cost of health care and to reward investments in innovation.
- Families making more than $250,000 will pay either the same or lower tax rates than they paid in the 1990s. Obama will ask the wealthiest 2% of families to give back a portion of the tax cuts they have received over the past eight years to ensure we are restoring fairness and returning to fiscal responsibility.

My Opinion:
It's pretty clear that one position cuts taxes for business and leaves the individual basically the same (though I'd guess McCain would argue that the individual would get targeted tax cuts via health care credit and hybrid car credits etc.) On the other hand Obama's plan focuses on reducing taxes for many but raising taxes for others. I suppose there's no right answer to whether business' with more capital create more jobs and more wealth or individuals with more capital drive business' success and thereby create more wealth. What I do see is only one candidate is proposing to raise any one's taxes. When I saw this on the debates I was screaming at my TV when Obama said something to the effect of, "I want to restore the fairness of the tax code we had under Clinton" Excuse me sir, fairness would be we all pay the same percentage would it not?! Of course McCain can't jump on him for this because he's offering no such fair solution either.

This is an issue where once again I'm forced to choose the lesser of two evils. Since we can't get a candidate to propose a truly fair tax code, I am forced to side with the one who at least isn't raising any one's taxes. I firmly believe that today's $250k is tomorrow's $45k. I do give props to Obama for wanting to eliminate tax breaks for businesses who send jobs overseas, however. That's something McCain should pursue as well.


mrsleestak's picture
Submitted by mrsleestak on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 11:54
Great blog Big! Agree 100%. Give the middle class the $$$...too many good game releases that I cannot afford. :^)
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 11:54
It's funny how a candidate is wanting to give you a tax break and all they can do is scream "Commi!". Wanting to give you free healthcare and saying "Pshhh.... Who fucking needs it?".
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 12:04
Keep in mind Obama want to raise cap gains taxes for everyone else which affects upper and lower income people. The tax code cannot be equal percentage on all. It needs to be progressive to be fair. And EK...I didn't hear him scream Commie? (yes, with an "e"). He wrote a thoughtful blog with his opinions. How about you start thinking (or even better, listening) rather than just making stupid accusations on everyone's blogs?
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 12:13
And have you ever thought I don't want a tax cut even though "The One" is offering it? I don't advocate cutting taxes then we have such large deficits. It's stupid. If you would read rather than react, you would know that Obama cannot pay for his plans by only taxing corporations and people earning over $250K. The math doesn't work. We need to cut spending, not raise taxes.
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 12:15
Pink - Like I said before, the bullet points aren't an exhaustive list of positions but a handful of the ones that struck me personally or that I at least felt I had some comfort level with understanding. There was a whole Cap and Trade section for both candidates in one of the other issues that I quite frankly don't get or am too lazy to really explore at this point. Fully exploring each talking point is way beyond my threshold of devotion. I'll leave it to you for more insightful commentary. :lol:
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 12:17
Ek - Would you be so kind as to explain how the healthcare plan will be free?
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 12:19
Big...I have my opinions and you and I don't always agree. Big Deal. Neither of us lose sleep over it. And I wasn't arguing with you...just adding a couple points that I think are important. Please...keep on posting. I'm getting burned out.
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 12:27
I want to apologize to Big I any offense was taken by my comment. But in no way shape or form have I ever insulted Bubba or any other member of this forum. Pink have proof in your blog comments that I have been civil and courteous to your thoughts and expression. But from your last comment I take it you have taken this issue far to personally. I expect that for the sake of this forum and it's other members we can have a civilized argument an express our thoughts and feelings towards this political race or any other subject that may be. I also apologize for any comment that may or have triggered this aggression. By no means do the political sentiments of a member of this website hold any bearing of my feelings or respect towards them.
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 12:34
Ek - for the record I took no offense to any comment you've made so far. I wouldn't expect anyone on this site or anywhere else to fully agree with every opinion I had. As long as people are thoughtful and civil I could care less if they thought my position was inane.
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 12:40
EK...sometimes the nature of a quick comment is that it doesn't always come across the way you mean it. I keyed on what I saw as a lack of accuracy in your comment. Happy to hear that you respect the bloggers and want to have civilized discussions. Politics is tough. How about we talk religion ;)
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 12:42
@Big, You are correct Sir. I made the mistake of adding free while instead it should have been the word affordable. My deepest desire got the best of me, hoping one day we all could have free healthcare. Of course it would be "free" but I do believe that government should provide education and healthcare to all it's citizens just as it should provide security and freedom. I know I'm well off in life but I guess thats why the well being of others is of most concern to me. We usually tend to think only about ourselves when we elect a president, but in reality as they say you need to put country first. And right now the people who are suffering the most and the ones in my opinion who deserve the biggest break.
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 12:47
Bubba said - "Politics is tough. How about we talk religion ;)" Uh, how 'bout we don't! Just assume I'm right in all those matters and we'll be just fine. :lol:
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 12:52
OK. You are right. :)
Durty's picture
Submitted by Durty on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 12:57
Taxes. Yay. My sister and I were talking about this the other day. She says she will vote for Obama because he is going to cut taxes on the 'little guy' and she believes that she pays too many taxes....my response was 'What taxes, other than SS and MC, you don't pay any?' Her boyfriend is on SSI, has two kids, doesn't pay taxes either, what he does pay in he gets back at the end of the year. But they both insist that they will be helped out by these wonderful tax cuts that Obama will implement. Stupid people. I got interrupted by the phone and have now lost my train of thought, so I guess I'm done. Lol.

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