It's The People


Shared on Mon, 09/25/2006 - 09:37

A while back I was reading the forums and saw something that really got under my skin.  I didn’t respond right away.  I thought maybe it was best not to at the time.  The sentiment was that Christians are bigots and psycho.  This offended me on a couple of levels.  One is that if the same were said of blacks or gays Doodi would surely drop a ban hammer on them.  Describing a person as either bigoted, hypocritical, anti-Semitic or whatever other evil leaning they have is one thing (only with absolute proof of course).  To imply that this is a predisposition of Christians is another. 


There’s been talk occasionally both here and in other circles of people I know that some how religion is the cause for all of the world’s problems.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  People are the cause of all the world’s problems.  We see almost every day an act of atrocity being committed and then blamed on “something”.  That something might be religion, video games, guns, alcohol, heavy metal bands, movies, the list goes on and on.  The sad reality is that it’s much easier to blame the media and the tools we surround ourselves with for our problems than it is to blame ourselves.  The fact is that humans are predisposed to committing evil acts.  That statement may come as an affront to you.  No one likes to think of their sweet old grandma as a gun toting Nazi looking to kill a bunch of babies.  While grandma may not take her predisposition to that extreme, rest assured there is something within her that does commit evil.  Maybe it’s much more benign but it’s there nonetheless.  We all lie, gossip, get jealous, steal, *insert your own vice here*.  Maybe not every day, hopefully not every day, but we do or have done it.  Was it religion’s fault?  Did the video game make you do it?   In the end you (I) commit evil acts simply because that is what you (I) want to do.


So, are there people calling themselves Christians protesting at funerals for soldiers, blowing up abortion clinics and calling for gay people to be put to death? Yes.  Is what they are doing wrong? Yes.  Is it because they are Christians? No.  They are humans and humans very often do stupid and evil things.



On a side note, I apologize if my blogs seem so friggin’ serious all the time.  Those of you who game with me know that I’m anything but serious.  I guess I just see this place (the blog) as an area to rant a little and get a few things off my chest.  So if you haven’t played a game with me before and you see me pop into your room, don’t worry, I’m not looking to preach my latest irritations to you.  This is about the only place I do that for some reason. 


pendragon's picture
Submitted by pendragon on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 12:12
I am deffinately not offended by your opinion Bigone. I respect it and I think we just dissagree on the definition of evil. I think this dissagreement spawns from the fact that yours' is a Christian definition and mine is not. For me :Temer Tantrum = not evil and :Burn people alive on purpose = evil. I did not want to give the impression that you or all Christians are "bad". I just wanted to write my opinion that Religions are not without blame for some of the "evils" in this world. Usually the minority give a bad name to the majority. In the case of religion "I" think the majority give a bad name to the minority. Again, I am NOT including the good people I have met here who are christians. In fact I have lots of friends who are christians and we all get along just fine.
A_Burn's picture
Submitted by A_Burn on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 12:20
Amen Bunsen (irony intended) I couln't agree with you more. Bigone- Thanks for giving us something to chew on, I love a good intelligent conversation about religeon and politics. ;)
CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 12:32
I liked everyone's comments. I agree that sometimes it is frustrating to turn the other cheek when someone says somthing bad about Christians and labels them 'Right Wing Bigots' or stupid or whatever but hey Jesus told us that (and worse things) would happen, so its part of the price. Unfortunately we sometimes think we are being persecuted for righteousness but really it is because we do have the big old log in our eye and can't see correctly. Also we need to remember that perhaps these non-Christians see some very bad behavior going on by someone they are close too and/or bad behavior by our leaders that are claiming to do things in the name of Christianity. The only way to change that perception is by being a good EXAMPLE, so when people have bad things to say, I generally turn the questions inward instead of outward. "Have I been acting according to my stated values?" "Is this person who says they are acting in the name of God really doing what a Christian would do?" "Could this person have a point?" and "What is it that makes them so pationate in what they believe?" Questions like that. Although like Big One I believe everyone has a basic bent towards evil, I also want to point out that everyone (except psychotics)WANTS to be good and wants to be seen as good. The difference between Christians and non-Christians is that our theology is "We cannot do this by ourselves, we need help from God" and those that believe "We CAN achieve this by ourselves, we don't need a God." Also our views of what is right and wrong are different and that complicates things too. The only understanding of what a Christian is, has been gathered by my own understanding of the Bible, other Christians, and what I have expierenced. Brothers and sisters; I must confess, I have been sorely tested on this very thing in this last week. Last week there were the comments by the pope and the reaction by the Muslim world. This weekend we watched United 93. I thought how many times has a Mufti or other religious leader decryed us (meaning both Americans and Christianity in general) as Satanic, as evil, as needing to be destroyed. Do we march in the streets in violance demanding retribution, burn Mosques, declare hits out on said leaders? How often have we showed restraint and not accused all Muslims of crimes against humanity? I have been angry and wanted to be outraged. I guess there is more but I better write my own blog!!! :P
pendragon's picture
Submitted by pendragon on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 12:51
Capn, someone can be "spiritual" without being a "Christian". Non-Christians are historically and presently persecuted more than "Christians". Also religiouse war is not a new thing. It is a very, very , very old thing. It seems as long as there are different religions there will be wars and conflicts. Like Bunsen said it would be nice If some day people could learn to be more tolerent of others beleifs. This also goes for the anti-christian fanatics.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Mon, 09/25/2006 - 09:49
I agree with ya guy. I'm a believer myself...although not always actively practicing. I don't like being lumped in with the "hypo-christians". The ones that sit in church on sunday singing Jesus Loves me then the next day hold a picket sign that says "God Hates Fags". its just not right. But remember that alot of christians are of the mentality that "if you aren't christian, you are wrong and going to hell." Which is what we believe yes, but its the pushing it in peoples faces and throwing fire and brimstone thats wrong. Some christians dont understand that you can't push what you believe on other people. Love and let people make there own choices in life. I have a couple of gay friends. Do I like the choice they made? No. But do I judge them for it? No. Its not my place or right. My job is to love and accept them. Its what Jesus taught. People just forget that.
wareaglebeene1's picture
Submitted by wareaglebeene1 on Mon, 09/25/2006 - 09:57
The fact is that the majority of people who claim to be Christian are not. Latest poll released on CNN last week says that over 80% of Americans claim to be Christian. If everyone that claimed to be, were, the world would be a different place. As you say, people are a slave to their sinful nature. People make the choices and God allows that but there are consequences for those choices. Best thing to do is "To love your Lord God with all your Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength." This is golden rule.
jtgjr007's picture
Submitted by jtgjr007 on Mon, 09/25/2006 - 10:18
I could go one for hours about this topic, because it seems that for the most part us "normal" Christians are content to stay out of the public eye, and as Gatsu said, we don't want to push our beliefs on others. Maybe some other religions are couse problems around the world, but what are their core beliefs? Jesus said that others will knopw that you are my desciples because of your love for eachother. Not just other Christians, but as He illustrated when asked by someone, "Who is my neighbor?", all people, even those with whom we are at odds.
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Mon, 09/25/2006 - 10:19
Its easier not to go to Church and follow the guidelines set, than to go. The people that feel they are Christian because they go to Church and follow random guidelines to their liking or interpetation and push these upon their fellow man need to step back or be called on it. Yes its the people not he religion at fault.
BATMANKM's picture
Submitted by BATMANKM on Mon, 09/25/2006 - 10:23
Dude people suck! :-) Religion only sucks because it sometimes gets abused by people that suck. Sadly allot of people need to feel that anybody not like them is evil and wrong in order to make themselves secure in their own beliefs. That allows other more manipulative people to take advantage of this fact to control them and exploit them, religion is just one of many tools sometimes used. I tend to be more scientific based in my spiritual beliefs. If their is a god they put this system together in a very logical and sophisticated way and to me it is the study of that structure that brings us closer to the divine. I suspect it is our purpose for being here and the way to our enlightenment, growth and survival. - BAT (PS if you dont agree with me then your evil and you will burn in the fires of dark science -LOL LOL LOL )
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/25/2006 - 10:30
I was gonna comment, but everybody else already hit the nails!!! I especially like what Gatsu said!!! The religions all teach love, the followers dont always listen! I think it boils down to this: so many of us, myself included sometimes, have rules for ourselves....and rules for everybody else. Thats the real problem in my opinion. Mike
Eviluncle's picture
Submitted by Eviluncle on Mon, 09/25/2006 - 10:44
most people use religion as a crutch. Why take responsabilty for your actions when you can ask forgiveness and be saved. I am berated on a weekly basis by Religious people who don't like what I do for a living. If they actually followed the tenents of their religion this would not happen.
Stryker927's picture
Submitted by Stryker927 on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 08:26
Maybe if people took the definition of christian (Christ Like) and used as a guideline to live their life instead of a useless title this wouldn't even be an issue. And christian does not equal religious. Religion is a man made word, institution, and organization. Christ had no relgion and actually scolded the "religous" people. In fact the religious people were the only ones that ever recieved Jesus' anger. He spent the rest of his time reaching out to the sick, the poor, and the lost (drunks, prostitutes, murderers). The "christians" need to get out of our comfortable pews on Sunday morning and start acting out on what we claim to be apart of.
LadyisRed's picture
Submitted by LadyisRed on Mon, 09/25/2006 - 13:33
Its amazing how you can bash on a white middle income christian man all day and no body cares. Its funny, but if you say they exact same thing about a minority its suddenly evil. ditto on those above about the "christians"
pendragon's picture
Submitted by pendragon on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 08:43
I have a very different opinion on this but, I was flamed pretty bad in the OMM thread about the jesus pic in school when I gave my opposition to the christian view. I don't think it is right when you say people should be banned from the site for not being christians. Is this a Christian only site? Do we have freedom of speech so long as we don't say anything negative about religion? It is true that people do bad things but, people are taught to be the way they are. I don't think people were predisposed to burn others alive at the stake in the name of God. I am not religiouse and I don't cheat or kill or steal. I am not predisposed to be evil. I don't even have thoughts of doing the horrible things that would be described as evil. I certainly would not torture and murder others just because they don't believe the way I do. Yet religouse fanatics are doing that right now. I have nothing against your beleif system. I know there are good religiouse people out there. I just don't beleive religion is without blame for the cause of alot of the worlds problems today and throughout history. Anyway, I don't want to offend anyone. If I have I am sorry. Again I am not saying that the people on this site who are religiouse fall into the chategory of the "bad" religiouse fanatics. I have met only good people on this site.
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 10:21
I never said that anyone should be banned from the site! I was saying that lumping an entire group (ie. Christians) into a category of bigots or whatever is the same as lumping any race or sexual orientation into a specific category. (in this case a very disparaging one) and that would never be tolerated. As far as being taught to be evil, I respectfully disagree. Anyone who's had children knows that they don't need any education in order to learn how to throw a temper tantrum or cover up their mistakes. They do it "naturally". In fact hopefully we're teaching them not to do those things. When I refer to evil I'm not simply talking about only the most heinous acts committed by the most twisted people in the world. If I lie to my wife about where I was last night, that is evil. We are all evil. It's just the degree to which we express it. Again the point is that saying religion is to blame for an evil act is like saying video games are to blame for an evil act. They are only the crutch for which the evil being perpetrated is used to help ease the conscious of the evil doer. Thanks for your comment. Hopefully I haven't offended you, that's not my purpose. I just wanted to get that off my chest and hopefully cause anyone who reads my blog to stop and think on it a little. Not trying to convert anyone.
A_Burn's picture
Submitted by A_Burn on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 10:37
Unfortunately, All the major religions have serious skeletons in their collective closets. Whether they attacked and wiped out a people of a different faith (ask the Celts about St. Patrick or Hindus against Muslims against Christians)or whether it was against a different sect(Sunni's and Shiites). Just a side note, I find that most of the problems come from the faiths that prostelatize(sp?)and want to convert people. Unfortunately for the "normal" people, Christianity has been hi-jacked by the fundelmentalist right with increasingly bombastic behavior and overt plays to turn our country into one of a theocracy and that scares people. I left behind my Christianity long ago for my own many reasons, and found a different belief system. I truely dream of a world where people of all faiths can just live and let live. (my long hair'd hippie is showing)
bunsen27's picture
Submitted by bunsen27 on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 11:18
Religion, much like science, is neither inherently good nor evil, but it is the application of the priciples by Man that determines whether it is to our benefit or detrament. I was raised Catholic and attended a Presbyterian college so I had a healthy dose of "Christianity" for my first 23 years. All religions have skeletons in their closets, because "religion" has largely been used as a means of social control. You are 100% correct that those "christians" that stand upon their pillar of piety and look down upon all others as inferiors are not true Christians. Unfortunately, in this country the fundamentalist "Christians" have been given a stage by the current administration and major news agencies (ie FOX and Rupurt Murdoch). All of us need a big helping of tolerance and understanding of other cultures and religions because this world isn't getting any bigger and we are all going to have to figure out how to live together.

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