Merry Halloween


Shared on Thu, 10/30/2008 - 15:05

I guess tomorrow will be the big day.  Lots of little beggars running around threatening people for candy and such.  I'm not a big fan of Halloween these days.  It's not that I begrudge anyone who does enjoy it, it just seems the older I get the less interest I have in it.  I'm sure if I had kids I'd be more inclined to participate but as it is I'll probably hide in the basement and play GH or RB.  I know, I know, just like every other night.

There are a couple of things though that irritate me about the holiday though.  Yeah, I know what you're thinking, "Big surprise!"

1. People who dress their infants up and then parade them around for trick-or-treating.  These kids have no idea what's going on, they can't eat candy yet and no one thinks your kid is cute in his ladybug outfit except you.  Leave your pint sized poop machine at home and wait 'til he's old enough to carry his own candy bag please.

2. People who take their kids to other people's neighborhoods.  What's wrong with your own neighbors?  This seems like a great way for anonymous people to poison your kids and you'll never know 'cause you don't know the people in the Park Place and Boardwalk editions.  More than that though, I don't want to feed the kids in my own neighborhood, much less yours. 

Ok, that's enough gripping for one day.  Enjoy your trick-or-treating, parties and general mischievousness tomorrow.  I'm going to go create a good Halloween themed play list for Rock Band.


Castlemonster's picture
Submitted by Castlemonster on Thu, 10/30/2008 - 15:16
I can hardly wait to see how crotchety you are at 50 LOL
JollyRoger's picture
Submitted by JollyRoger on Thu, 10/30/2008 - 15:42
BigOne is going to have one those pumpkin signs on his know the signs.
TheLibrarian's picture
Submitted by TheLibrarian on Thu, 10/30/2008 - 15:43
And he's usually the one the kids like...:)
dkhodz's picture
Submitted by dkhodz on Thu, 10/30/2008 - 15:45
Such a friendly blog avatar for such a grouchy guy... you should change to Oscar the Grouch.
wareaglebeene1's picture
Submitted by wareaglebeene1 on Thu, 10/30/2008 - 16:23
As somebody who will be toting his infant around in a really cool Captain America costume. Bite Me!!! (Also my wife makes me do it) : )
Stryker927's picture
Submitted by Stryker927 on Thu, 10/30/2008 - 16:35
I am going to read my kids a really scary story this weekend. It's title is Dr. Seuss' "How the Big0ne stole Halloween" :D
Lefty007's picture
Submitted by Lefty007 on Thu, 10/30/2008 - 16:57
Hey how about the "older kids" you know like 15-18 that cannot even make the effort to find a costume. Those are really the only trick n treaters that peave me.
CMA's picture
Submitted by CMA on Thu, 10/30/2008 - 17:22
So you are saying I should take Ella to your neighborhood for trick or treating?

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