Awesome Customs


Shared on Wed, 07/12/2006 - 14:15

I got into some awesome customs last night. Started with some good 2v2s with neks, Fire, and Bioslayer. We switched up partners each game and all of them were pretty close games. Although I went negative in 2 of the 3, and only broke even when Bioslayer and I were paired on Warlock. A bunch of others joined in later including Beestie, Soup, Drost, Malice, eks, slickrick, and mash. It’s awesome to get into more strategic games instead of the randomness of MM or customs where I’m one of the more dominant players (which, to say the least, I wasn’t last night).

Anyway, if you’re bored enough to be reading my blog, you might be bored enough to download a THC game that Drost, Bioslayer, Malice and I played last night and give me some feedback on what I did well and what I need to do better. We lost a KOTH on Warlock by 1 second! It sucked because Malice was in the hill and we were going to retake the lead just as game time expired. It was a good game, though, and the other team was cool.

Left-click to download the 114MB file

I didn’t speed time up when I rendered it, so you’ll have to change WMP’s settings to quicken the action.

Oh yeah, if anyone wants to see any of the games we played last night, PM me.


SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Wed, 07/12/2006 - 15:33
Good game: Comments: 1. At the beginning, you allowed yourself to get into too many 1v1 battles. This really isnt a criticism of the individual, than it is of the team. As the game went along, I saw you guys cross-firing on the other team better. 2. Stay off the top of the platforms on Warlock! In my opinion, Warlock is one (if not the only map) where being on the lower is to your advantage. Unless you are in the middle where Invis spawns. The Platforms offer little cover and players can be shot for angles all over the map, especially by players on the lower level. 3. When you are in the bottom middle hill, just Jump and jump and jump. This will minimize grenade damage and allow you to be alive when the other team comes in or just allow you to get a few extra seconds. 4. Good covering of your team mates. Damn close game.
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Wed, 07/12/2006 - 17:17
Thanks for the tips, Soup. I was pleased to see that three of us had 20 or more assists and one person had 17, so there was a good bit of teamwork there. We basically went kill for kill but they had one possession at a base that was too much to overcome. Oh well. Thanks again.

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