Be Direct


Shared on Thu, 07/06/2006 - 10:51

There’s an article on about whether obese children should be called ‘obese’ by the medical community.  It seems that experts feel more politically correct language should be used to describe what is now an epidemic.  I understand that overweight or obese children may be sensitive about their appearance especially in a society that arguably values it above all other things.  However, their sensitivity does not supplant the need to see truth and address it.  Those are, after all, the first steps toward change.

The article got me wondering what happened to directness?  When did we rid ourselves of concise, straight-forwardness and refuse to tell the truth if it’s unkind or unpleasant?  That is not to say that there aren’t inappropriate ways of expressing ourselves, but we’ve become a bit ridiculous in our pursuit of euphemistic speech. 

People need to hear what they do wrong, what they could do better, and how to do it.  That’s parenting.  That’s supervising.  That’s teaching.  That’s friendship.  In every segment of our lives, however, our parents, supervisors, teachers, and friends go out of their way to avoid that responsibility.  Possibly because in the absence of such guidance, its appearance carries that much more of a shock when confronted.  People are caught off-guard by the very idea that they need improvement or have been doing ‘whatever’ wrong.  They do need to hear it, though.

So tell the children that they’re obese.  Do it kindly and follow it up with how to change their habits and the consequences of failing to do so.  Be more direct!


eksessiv's picture
Submitted by eksessiv on Thu, 07/06/2006 - 11:56
lol man I so feel this blog. I cant say what I want to say half the time because itll upset/hurt someones feelings. You cant be blunt/honest with people now and days for the most because a good bit cant handle the truth behind it.
eksessiv's picture
Submitted by eksessiv on Thu, 07/06/2006 - 11:56
Oh, and most people dont want to hear their problem is. Theyd rather keep basking in it.
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Thu, 07/06/2006 - 12:09
Thanks eks. And I agree that people dont want to hear about their problems. Its a natural reaction, I suppose.
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 07/06/2006 - 12:16
I, for one have few friends because of my bluntness. I couldnt agree more, on the 4th, some of my neighbors friends showed up, their son is 11, i think, 4 ft tall and 200 lbs. well, we ended up getting in a conversation with the mom, she was borrowing my neighbors push mower to mow the lawn. "you mow the lawn" we ask. she says "yeah"."well, what does the kid do when youre mowing the lawn?" i ask. "watch tv" she says. I couldnt help it, i really couldnt. "you should get his ass out there so he can work off those pounds, if you keep letting him sit on his ass, hes going to be 2x the size by the time he hits high school" oh boy. she got pissed. you know what? too fn bad. youre letting your kid be a lazy blob, and the one thats going to have to pay for it is him, not her. ah well, some arent running a full 100watts, i guess. but sheltering your kids will only hurt em. body aches from excercise go away, emotional trauma rarely does.
KingDrewsky's picture
Submitted by KingDrewsky on Thu, 07/06/2006 - 13:03
I thought "obese" was the politically correct term for "fat." So, do we have to change terms every 5 years when the word that was decided to be a nicer version of an unpleasant word takes on the connotation of the original word? Stop with the pussification of America, damn it. Fat is fat. If you cant see your damn feet you are not obese, you are a fat-ass. Suck it up.
neanderthal's picture
Submitted by neanderthal on Thu, 07/06/2006 - 13:45
Fatso, fat fuck, porker, lardass, grazer, cow , fat mother fucker or obese. The need to know, I heard it when I was younger and made me more concious of shit I shoved in my mouth. And has made me a strong person for it. Calling as you see it, is the way it should. We in America need to get a fucking spine and accept responsibility for our fault and not blame the next guy. You fat fuckers
d0od's picture
Submitted by d0od on Thu, 07/06/2006 - 13:50
Political correct-ness is going to be the downfall of America! Im am not horizonally endowed I am fat. We need to start telling the truth not trying to give every thing a warm fuzzy name.

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