First Father’s Day


Shared on Mon, 06/19/2006 - 11:41
So yesterday was my first Father’s Day as a father. My wife’s parents and her aunt and uncle visited us this weekend, and we ate a tremendous amount of food and put away about a case and a half of beer, so that was fun. We grilled a bunch of stuff like speedies, bratwursts, and hotdogs and had some Caesar salad, baked beans, chips, and deviled eggs. :D In addition, her dad and uncle helped me do some stuff around the house.

Earlier this year, birds decided to nest in one of our vent outputs (not sure what to call them) on the back of the house. So we got a two-story ladder, some aluminum screening, plastic ties, and a drill and covered four vent covers with them. The flaps can still open, but birds can no longer get in there. One of the vents was up above my two story bedroom windows. I didn’t think it’d bother me to go up that high, but it did (my yard slopes, so it seemed more like 3 stories than 2)! The ladder was only a 250 lbs aluminum one and it wobbled a little bit, so it was a bit unnerving. Nevertheless, we got them all covered. Glad I don’t have to worry about that anymore. We also ran a cable line from the foyer closet, into the crawl space underneath the house, and back up to the wall just behind the television. Ever since we bought the house, we had been running it across the living room right in front of the fireplace. My wife’s been on me to fix that for some time now and since Noah’s moving about the house more and more, we don’t want him to get a hold of it. We did a lot of stuff Saturday, so it was nice to get some things done.

When my wife asked me what I wanted for Father’s Day, I said I wanted to sleep in until I woke up naturally. I didn’t want to wake up to a crying baby or to a phone call or to her saying I needed to get up and start doing stuff, I just wanted to wake up. You know, like you do before you have kids! Since we were up early on Sunday so her family could get to mass and eat before hitting the road, I fully expect payment next week. This’ll involve a tremendous amount of Halo the night before. :D


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