Shared on Mon, 06/12/2006 - 09:11MLG 4v4, Saturday, June 10th, 2006
This was my second 4v4 tournament with the 2Old2Play folks. Caesar and Royal couldnt make it in time to start, but fortunately, I was able to get on a makeshift team with Darth Vader, Malinko, and ComputerGeek.
We got rolling around 10:45 PM against our first opponents, Moesley, Darth Chibius, Budman, and Fiery. I probably enjoyed this series the most despite losing, well, all three games. They were more coordinated than us, moved in teams, and communicated very well. Also, the games were fairly close which usually makes them infinitely more interesting than blowouts. Here are the links with stats:
We lost slayer on Beaver Creek 42-50
We lost CTF on Sanctuary 1-3
We lost oddball on Midship 3:47 to 4:24
They did an excellent job of keeping rockets on BC and guarding the portal. They got a sizable early lead, which we later tied (I think), and then they just pulled away with the win at the end.
I about died laughing on the Midship game as Moesley chased me with the shotgun yelling, "Why wont you die??!!!!" Oh man, I wish I had been capping voice, too! :D
We played Lithium, Neo Oblivion, Red Sooner, and Laud Trevlin in our next match. We won all three of these games simply by out-slaying them, I think. We didnt excercise a tremendous amont of teamwork or anything, but it felt good to win our first games of the night.
We won slayer on Beaver Creek 50-34
We won CTF on Sanctuary 3-1
We won oddball on Midship 4:52-3:07
The oddball game on Midship looks like more of a solid win than it was...we got a lead that was about a minute and change to start the game, and it seemed to dwindle as the game went on. Id say that in the second half they gained over a minute on us as we kept running in vain to retake the ball. We got the ball toward the end and extended our lead, but it was definitely a good game. I had one of the highest assist numbers Ive ever had in a game with 20, so I was very pleased with that. I had 31 assists in the series. :D
Our last series was against eksessiv, neks0ne, midnighter, and smoke. We lost each game in the series by a lot. At the start of the BC game, I ran out of red base heading toward OS and started nading the other side of the creek...by the time I got just outside of the door, neks0ne already had OS and was on our doorstep. It was downhill from there. Theyre certainly a tough team, as Im sure everyone knows. They got in advantageous positions, doubled up on us, set up well, controlled the weapons, and were difficult to reach. Good job to them! I enjoyed these games the least because we were so outmatched. It was total teamwork and strategy vs. a makeshift team. :( However, Id definitely enjoy playing them more with a team I was comfortable with. The one highlight I got was a killtacular in the oddball Midship game. Aside from that, it was total frustration. Thats what you hope to instill in the other team.
We lost slayer on Beaver Creek 25-50
We lost oddball on Midship 2:24-5:00
We lost CTF on Sanctuary 0-3
Thanks to my teammates for the good games. I definitely enjoyed the tournament and got some more folks on my FL. Im not sure how frequently Ill be able to participate, though...my wife is less than pleased at my coming to bed at 2AM. I also normally get up with our son first and he gets up around 6:30am, so thats incredibly inconvenient. However, as long as its fun Ill make the attempt.
This was my second 4v4 tournament with the 2Old2Play folks. Caesar and Royal couldnt make it in time to start, but fortunately, I was able to get on a makeshift team with Darth Vader, Malinko, and ComputerGeek.
We got rolling around 10:45 PM against our first opponents, Moesley, Darth Chibius, Budman, and Fiery. I probably enjoyed this series the most despite losing, well, all three games. They were more coordinated than us, moved in teams, and communicated very well. Also, the games were fairly close which usually makes them infinitely more interesting than blowouts. Here are the links with stats:
We lost slayer on Beaver Creek 42-50
We lost CTF on Sanctuary 1-3
We lost oddball on Midship 3:47 to 4:24
They did an excellent job of keeping rockets on BC and guarding the portal. They got a sizable early lead, which we later tied (I think), and then they just pulled away with the win at the end.
I about died laughing on the Midship game as Moesley chased me with the shotgun yelling, "Why wont you die??!!!!" Oh man, I wish I had been capping voice, too! :D
We played Lithium, Neo Oblivion, Red Sooner, and Laud Trevlin in our next match. We won all three of these games simply by out-slaying them, I think. We didnt excercise a tremendous amont of teamwork or anything, but it felt good to win our first games of the night.
We won slayer on Beaver Creek 50-34
We won CTF on Sanctuary 3-1
We won oddball on Midship 4:52-3:07
The oddball game on Midship looks like more of a solid win than it was...we got a lead that was about a minute and change to start the game, and it seemed to dwindle as the game went on. Id say that in the second half they gained over a minute on us as we kept running in vain to retake the ball. We got the ball toward the end and extended our lead, but it was definitely a good game. I had one of the highest assist numbers Ive ever had in a game with 20, so I was very pleased with that. I had 31 assists in the series. :D
Our last series was against eksessiv, neks0ne, midnighter, and smoke. We lost each game in the series by a lot. At the start of the BC game, I ran out of red base heading toward OS and started nading the other side of the creek...by the time I got just outside of the door, neks0ne already had OS and was on our doorstep. It was downhill from there. Theyre certainly a tough team, as Im sure everyone knows. They got in advantageous positions, doubled up on us, set up well, controlled the weapons, and were difficult to reach. Good job to them! I enjoyed these games the least because we were so outmatched. It was total teamwork and strategy vs. a makeshift team. :( However, Id definitely enjoy playing them more with a team I was comfortable with. The one highlight I got was a killtacular in the oddball Midship game. Aside from that, it was total frustration. Thats what you hope to instill in the other team.
We lost slayer on Beaver Creek 25-50
We lost oddball on Midship 2:24-5:00
We lost CTF on Sanctuary 0-3
Thanks to my teammates for the good games. I definitely enjoyed the tournament and got some more folks on my FL. Im not sure how frequently Ill be able to participate, though...my wife is less than pleased at my coming to bed at 2AM. I also normally get up with our son first and he gets up around 6:30am, so thats incredibly inconvenient. However, as long as its fun Ill make the attempt.
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Submitted by XSSmoke on Mon, 06/12/2006 - 09:21
Submitted by Lithium on Mon, 06/12/2006 - 09:29
Submitted by th3midnighter on Mon, 06/12/2006 - 09:46
Submitted by biorod on Mon, 06/12/2006 - 09:52
Submitted by moesley on Mon, 06/12/2006 - 17:36