MLG 4v4 Tournament, Saturday, June 3, 2006


Shared on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 07:51
I participated in my first MLG 4v4 Tournament on Saturday, June 3rd. This was my first 4v4 with nearly everyone in the room, which isn’t good when you’re playing against an experienced team. I didn’t practice the game types with my team, which also isn’t good.

The first game was slayer on Lockout, which we lost 50-36 or something. I went was just one of those games where no one would drop. This was exacerbated by some very poor decisions on my part. It seemed like our team was never able to set up, and when we did, we were down significantly and lacking the SR and sword. After it was apparent that we were in an insurmountable hole, communication all but died and we started going Rambo to our predictable deaths. I think one person on our team broke even on the kills and deaths...everyone else was in the hole. That game is here. I felt like I let everyone down coming in 8th place and all. I know I’m better than that, but some games just go down that way.

The second game was crazy king on Warlock, which we also lost handily. This was basically more of the same. They got an early lead that became a huge lead. Communication died. I felt like I had to hit someone with 10 bursts before they’d die. We did a poor job of doubling up on people and getting to the hill. Unfortunately, they did an excellent job of doubling up, placing their guardians in advantageous locations, and protecting the hill occupier. That game can be found here. You can watch this game here (~85MB, right-click save as). Warning: it may not be worth watching since I played poorly.

After that game ended, Caesar sort of went off about how badly he played especially since he had host. Then he just left....[uncomfortable silence]...the rest of us said our GG stuff and departed.

When I left, I started my own room and tried sending messages to the rest of the team, but XBL told me I couldn’t send any messages. Then I backed all the way out and tried to sign on again. No go. I have digital phone service, so I checked for a dial tone but there wasn’t one, so I knew I had a router/modem problem. I went upstairs and reset everything and raced down to sign back on XBL. By the time I got back on, my team picked up a fourth, Face Humper I believe, and continued on with the tournament. I sent Caesar and Royal messages saying I was back on. After receiving no reply, I sent Royal another message saying something like, “I guess you found a fourth and are continuing with the tournament. Catch you another time.” He later replied with, and I’m paraphrasing here, “Pretty much.  We thought you logged off and were gone.”

That was it. I was done with my first 4v4 tournament. I had looked forward to this all week and sucked it up in two games, had Caesar leave the second game pissed off, and got replaced because of a very rarely occurring router problem. Swell.


SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 07:56
Communication... Yall need to talk to each other and get the air cleared over what happened Saturday night.
th3midnighter's picture
Submitted by th3midnighter on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 08:36
Hey Biorod, sorry to hear bout the way it ended man. 2 weeks ago, Eks had a thing he had to be at and he came in a game late and even though we found a 4th, we let that guy go because Eks took the time to sign up for the tournament. These things happen but IMO, if you signed up and you are able to get back on, you should be playing with your team. Im gonna send you a FR and if you are online, look me up.
XSSmoke's picture
Submitted by XSSmoke on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 09:48
Biorod, I was XS Deni3d and it was good playing with you dude, I am all for having fun and not taking it too serious so feel free to add me also. Sorry to hear that man, I had a good time playing with ya and would any time again.
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 10:02
i wasnt mad at you bio, just mad in general. your a great player that is why i asked you to join our team, my apologies on subbing in face, but we were unsure of your status and then were unsure if we should tell face to leave to. the reason left and started a room was cause i needed to cool off before i blew up. trust me if game one was our host it didnt feel like it. and not to mention when we did try to setup they were there before we could get setup so it was frustrating im sure for everyone. ill be on all week playing customs, your more than welcome to join anytime.
eksessiv's picture
Submitted by eksessiv on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 10:19
Caesar..... its really getting old of you making excuses for losing. Did you ever learn good sportsmanship when coming up, or is there always an excuse for a lose other than you were outplayed? 50-36 isnt a close enough game to throw out excuses that arent related to being outplayed. Im not bragging at all, but I just think its pretty crappy to even imply host is why we won. You all didnt control any of the power weapons, so one would think that might be a reason you all lost. I mean I might be crazy for saying this, but I think our team has a little bit of talent. Dont discredit a team winning to bs lame excuses. If you really want to know why you lose.... you didnt control snipe or sword. We had you all pinned in the BR tower. You just got outplayed man. Get over it. Its just for fun anyways
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 10:20
Thanks for the comments, everyone. Ill be sure to send out more FRs because Ive had fun playing with everyone from this site and am glad to have found a competitive bunch that enjoy MLG customs. I understand about moving on with the tournament and wouldve done the same. I was just disappointed that it ended with me playing in two losses and then out because of my router, is all. Like most of you, I love to have fun but I also love to win. :D
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 10:25
Eks, man, if it is just for fun, then why are you ragging on him? You arent contributing to the conversation, if anything, you are inflaming it.
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 10:26
Besides, I dont see anywhere in his comment that they lost because of Host. All he said was that if they had host, it didnt feel like it. He also said that when they tried to set up, your team was already there. I dont see how that discredits a team. I think you are reading more into his comments then what there really is.
Neks0ne's picture
Submitted by Neks0ne on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 10:28
Soup, I think what wks is saying is nto geared to rag on caes, but help him understand why "some" teams are succesful.
Neks0ne's picture
Submitted by Neks0ne on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 10:28
I meant to say eks
Neks0ne's picture
Submitted by Neks0ne on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 10:30
Soup, heres the thing, You werent there....this is biorods blog. Caes didnt say GG to us, and just bounced without his team.....Thats biorods first intro to 2olds MLG Saturdays.....thats what Eks is saying.......*I think
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 10:31
Well, if it is to "help" him, then it needs to be said a different way, because if that was said to me, I would not in any way think it was said to "help" me.
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 10:33
It doesnt fucking matter whether I was there or not. Yall need to get the fuck over it. If this is supposed to be fun, I dont see that being said or acted by any of the parties involved besides Biorod.
eksessiv's picture
Submitted by eksessiv on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 10:34
All I know is I see him posting on how he was mad cause they lost, and then making comments about if they had host he couldnt tell. To me its a copout, and host isnt that big of a deal. Its weak. If it really bothers him that I say that then maybe he should refrain from comments that imply host determined the game. He might not mean it like that, but thats what it looks like when youre the team that won.
eksessiv's picture
Submitted by eksessiv on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 10:37
Im good. I had fun unlike others. Im going to leave his blog alone though.
Neks0ne's picture
Submitted by Neks0ne on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 10:42
Soup, why are you so mad? Your usually calm and what not.... and It does matter if you were there or not, being that we were and WE are commenting on sportsmanship. It not a big deal, Biorods blog is just stating "After that game ended, Caesar sort of went off about how badly he played especially since he had host. Then he just left....[uncomfortable silence]...the rest of us said our GG stuff and departed." Over all, they were cool...
th3midnighter's picture
Submitted by th3midnighter on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 10:52
So Biorod, how did you find out about the site? DO you like it so far? Do you only play H2? Tell us a bit about yourself Biorod.
FireWtr96's picture
Submitted by FireWtr96 on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 10:54
hey bio be sure to send me a FR @ x 2o2p F1R3 x
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 10:58
i had you guys muted except for tm, i thought i remember saying gg to tm, then him asking if we wanted to play midship and i said no u can have that game. i left yes cause i was irritated and wanted to cool off. would you have wanted me to stay and say something stupid? i thought i did the smart thing. in know way am i implying we lost because of host we got out played period. which pissed me off. espically on 2 of my favorite maps and gametypes that i play on a reguler basis. we had no strat, and got outplayed and i was frustrated. its my fault, i admitted that. could i have handled it better? yes. i was simplying saying it didnt feel like i had host, not that it would have mattered with how we were all running around. so everyone relax, im not mad, and neither should anyone else.
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 11:37
Sorry that this has turn into a spectacle. I had no idea anyone would even read my blog let alone post comments. Had I known this, I wouldve been more responsible with my comments since Ive seemed to touch on a nerve here. I regret that and hope that I havent alienated anyone or caused any unnecessary exchanges. Ive very much enjoyed the games Ive played with people here such as Caesar, Midnighter, Neks0ne, Royal, Fire, Icculus, Eks, Moesley, and more, and I look forward to more customs. A little about me, huh? Im married and have a 9 1/2 month old son, Noah. I served as an active duty soldier in the U.S. Army from 1994-1998. I graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill with a BS in computer science in 2003. I now work at UNC as an applications programmer. My wife is a post-doc, also at UNC, is currently looking for a job as a researcher, and hates Halo. I also play guitar, enjoy Bookworm, and reading fantasy and sci-fi books. Yes, I basically only play Halo (although Ive tried other games like Half-Life and ESPN College Hoops). I used to play Halo CE on XBC, which I found after my brother asked me to look for something thatd allow us to play Halo online. When I found XBC and began just joining rooms to play 1v1 on Blood Gultch (such a noob!), I fell in love with the competitive FPSs. I began watching pro vids, reading about strategies and glitches, and enjoyed the nature of multiplayer gaming. Ive known about this site for a while but didnt come by because I was busy with my clan and with stuff over at GG. I played against doodi and some other folks from 2Old2Play a long time ago before 2Old2Play broke off and left GG. Well, GG is about dead now as far as Halo 2 is concerned. I enjoy playing with my clan, but I also wanted to get into more competitive MLG games where teamwork and communication were paramount. I remembered hearing about this site from friends and when it was featured on, so I thought Id drop by. I must say, I like it! Folks here seem to be on XBL and playing customs most nights. Its exactly what I was hoping itd be. Thanks for all the FRs. Ill be sure to send some out myself. Fire, Ill send you one whenever Im on again. Later. Jared
stryke_wun's picture
Submitted by stryke_wun on Tue, 06/06/2006 - 07:16
either way, they really shouldnt of picked up a 4th just like that. That was wrong of them if you ask me. If you ever wanna play in a 4v4 on Saturday, pick up Malinko, myself, and another and wed be happy to run with ya, with no excuses. Plus wed wait for you no matter what happens. I think youre on my FL so hit me up sometime. "4v4 Team Bios & Faithless Prophets = Ownage Inc."
moesley's picture
Submitted by moesley on Tue, 06/06/2006 - 08:54
hey bio, im sorry things with the tourney ended up with you not getting back in. when i learned that you had gone offline i checked for you and saw that you were in a custom game with some of your friends, i (incorrectly) ASS-U-MEd that you had decided you didnt like the tourney (which I understand cuz weve had other folks decide during the tourney that it just wasnt for them, for a number of reasons-too competitive for their skillset, too many stacked teams, not knowing anyone on the team and not having good chemistry, etc). so i incorrectly didnt give it another thought and figured wed catch up with you for some customs afterwards or this week sometime. i didnt realize you had net problems and was glad that face could fill in cuz its a pain in the arse to put together enuff teams to do just a plain old 4 team round robin. my bad completely, i should have sent you a message when i saw you online and checked to make sure you were done playing for the nite. so i apologize for not checking with you to make sure you didnt want back in, cuz we ended up needing to find another player to fill in for someone else who had something come up and needed to leave. please sign up to play again, i know things can go smoother than they did this week, and again, i apologize for how it turned out. please ignore the back and forth between the guys posting in your blog here, its just a case of guys whove known each other long enuff and well enuff to get on each others nerves, nothing more. moes
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Tue, 06/06/2006 - 09:23
Thanks moes. I plan on playing in this Saturdays tournament with the same team, so no worries. What I was really upset about was how I played in the two games and didnt get a chance to rebound. You know how it is when you play with new people...its like you want to play your best and have fun, and while I did the latter, I certainly did not do the former. I completely understand about Royal, Caesar, and Icculus getting a fourth and moving on. None of them know me save for a some games together, so its quite reasonable for them to think I left. Once I got back, they were in the middle of a game so I got in some games with other friends. I did get your message while in the middle of a game, BTW, and wasnt thinking that you were still involved in the tournament. Sorry if it seemed like I ignored you but I thought you were looking for people for customs and not the tournament. I also have a habit of not getting back to people that send me messages during a game because I forget that I got the message after the game. Stryke_wun, thanks for the invitation, man. I really appreciate it, but Im going to stick with Team Cheeeeeesssseeeeeee and see how things work out. :D

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