

Shared on Thu, 06/29/2006 - 11:50

Work is a waste today. I’m not feeling well because my son brought home another illness from daycare to share with my wife and me. I swear, infants are like disease sponges. Anyway, I’m taking Sudafed and basically zoning at work. Eyes glossy. Mind numb. Screen blurry.


Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Thu, 06/29/2006 - 12:16
probably a stupid question...did he ever get his flu shots? Babies have the strength of their mothers immune system I think for the 1st 5-6 months after birth. After that they pretty much have to start from scratch. So flu shots help them build there immune system quickly and so they have less they have to build resistances to. Of course you probably allready know all this so Ill shut up now. lol.
Lithium's picture
Submitted by Lithium on Thu, 06/29/2006 - 12:45
Just get used to it man, it gets worse the further up the education/daycare system they go. When my daugter was 3 we were all sick for that whole year...
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Thu, 06/29/2006 - 12:51
Gatsu, yes, he’s had his flu shots and everything else. And actually, he’s more of a toddler now at 10 1/2 months. I have to get used to saying toddler and not infant. :D My wife’s immune system is like Fort Knox. Noah, my son, was not sick once until he was about 7 months old. Now he’s sick like once a week. So your comments about having the strength of their mother’s immune system for the first 5-6 months makes sense. Lithium -- great....that sounds awesome! :(

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