Team Spooooon vs. Vexire Fortes


Shared on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 07:47
So Team Spooooon finally won a match on the MLG 4v4 ladder after our third attempt when we faced the fiercely humorous motley crew known as Vexire Fortes.  In the first game, oddball on Lockout, Spooooon managed to get the ball to BR1 and set up at window and BR ramp where we controlled the ball for a few minutes.  Fortune continually smiled on us and we repeatedly found ourselves in favorable situations even after losing control.  VF doesn't know this, but Bioslayer used one of his many hacks (you know he has them, how can he no scope me across the map all the time?) that gave our team 10 seconds for every 1 second we held the ball.  That's probably why the game went so quickly.

The next match was CTF on Midship.  There were some mean fights at pink2, but after it was all said and done, Spooooon came out on top 5-1.  I distinctly remember Lithium executing tactical maneuver Alpha and destroying our entire team (okay, like me and Bioslayer) at Pink2 when he had no shields.  Obviously Bioslayer's invincible hack didn't work!

We went ahead and played the last game, slayer on Warlock, and this time, no one muted anyone else.  I laughed my ass off!  It was a game so full of expletives that it'd send even the most hardened, seasoned member of Profanity running to find a pencil and paper to take notes.  There were high-pitched screams, tea baggings, corpse mutilations, nashing of teeth, ah, you get the idea. 

So great games to VF for a very fun match.  Thanks guys.  I had more fun just sitting in the lobby yacking than I do in most games. :D


Lithium's picture
Submitted by Lithium on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 07:55
Like wise man! We need to execute Tactical Manuver Alpha more often... At one point last night I was laughing so hard my wife had to come out of the bedroom to tell me to shut my pie-hole!
LaudTrevlin's picture
Submitted by LaudTrevlin on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 15:20
Damn it...I was fished in by your f*cking blog count bullsh*t!!! It was a great time,however contrary to our gameplay, we are actually very serious about getting better. VF Pro has been playing together for 2-3 months and we really want to be that's what i'm asking Santa Claus for Christmas...
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 19:20
LMFAO!!! Got ya with my blog count fishing, bitch! Sweet, we'd love to scrim with you guys and give and get feedback. Contrary to our gameplay, we're only so-so...we got really lucky in the Lockout game (repeatedly). :D

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