Shared on Mon, 07/24/2006 - 14:51I had a nice weekend gaming wise. I didn't feel too well yesterday, but my wife and I still managed to get baby gates installed at the top of the stairs and at the two doorways into the living room. It sounds simple to say 'we installed baby gates', but let me assure you, it was hours and hours of work that I didn’t expect and involved some blood, sweat, and many expletives (ear muffs, Noah, ear muffs!). It’s nice now to be able to put Noah in the living room while I have to do something quick without worrying about what he’s getting into or where he’s going. The little guy’s curious and mobile, and unfortunately, he’s got no more sense now than before he started getting around.
Friday Torn and I tore up some timmies in double team. Two of the kids I actually had to mute, which is rare for me, but right off the bat they start saying I bridged for host, calling me garbage, etc. I can only imagine that’s because they were bridging, messed it up, and couldn’t imagine how they didn’t get host. One of them was a 40-something, so you know he was a cheater. Anyway, they got theirs.
Left-click to download the 168MB file. Sorry about the file size, I accidentally used the wrong render settings, so it’s a bit big, but the quality’s outstanding!
We also delivered probably the worst beat down in double team that I’ve delivered on an Ivory Tower game. They started off running their mouths but got quiet after a bit. That’s right timmies, zip it and start taking notes! I also got a sweet no scope that’ll be in my tage. Thanks guys!
Left-click to download the 74MB file
Oh yeah, after a 3-2 win in a Beaver Creek CTF game, the other team started complaining about how I used rockets and told me to pick up a BR....um, yeah, you just lost after having a 2-1 lead, please, give me gaming advice...
Left-click to download the 48MB file
So thanks for the games, Torn! If anyone gets the chance to do some doubles with Torn, customs or MM, he’s a great partner. He’ll watch your back and constantly communicate!
What else? Oh yeah, I got a nice raise at work, which would’ve been much better had daycare not gone up. Daycare bill went up about $120 per month, which is about half my raise. Still, it’s better than no raise at all.
Well, that’s about all that’s worth blogging about. Later.
- biorod's blog
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Submitted by SoupNazzi on Mon, 07/24/2006 - 13:07
Submitted by Lithium on Mon, 07/24/2006 - 14:19
Submitted by biorod on Mon, 07/24/2006 - 14:47
Submitted by biorod on Mon, 07/24/2006 - 14:52
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 08/02/2006 - 12:32