Shared on Wed, 06/14/2006 - 12:42So I’m working on another montage. The last one I made was about a year ago just before my son was born. It sucked. I rushed through it because I knew that once we had a newborn in the house, the last thing I’d have time to do was sit at my PC and work on a video. I also had an antiquated capture card and used Adobe Premiere, which has a nice interface but takes up a tremendous amount of room and is painfully slow and inconvenient, sort of like the line at the post office.
I don’t especially like montages. My wife reminded me of this when I told her I was making one. It occurred to me that I look at them like children...you love yours but everyone else’s is just annoying. Personally, it’s a lot of fun to edit video, plus I wind up watching dozens of my videos again and that helps me improve my game play. It’s even more fun now that I have a quality cap card and have learned to use Sony Vegas.
Let me just say that Vegas is AWESOME! Once I chose my song, I had a vision of how the clips should appear. I wanted them to make the viewer somewhat uncomfortable, to be edgy. Vegas has allowed me to do that better than I could’ve hoped. It’s taking me about 8 hours so far to make the intro and first few clips (amounting to about 20 seconds of video). However, a lot of the time I’ve spent has been scanning videos for footage and learning to do more advanced editing with Vegas. I’ll hopefully finish it up mid July sometime and have it for anyone. My tage will definitely have more of a focus on artistic content and originality than on highlighting skills, but there will definitely be some good footage in it.
If you use Vegas, they have some nice forums with tutorials and Q&A at the GFXUnderground. Bioslayer pointed me there and it is indeed valuable.
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Submitted by Gatsu on Wed, 06/14/2006 - 22:04
Submitted by biorod on Thu, 06/15/2006 - 08:25
Submitted by Gatsu on Thu, 06/15/2006 - 18:31
Submitted by biorod on Fri, 06/16/2006 - 08:26