It Was Bound to Happen


Shared on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 22:11
Well, Canon released a new version of the digital Rebel, called the XSi:

Which means that my XTi, which you see me holding at the picture to the upper left, is now the "older" model. I knew this would happen, and I promised myself I would be OK with it. I usually feel antsy when a new version of something comes out because I start to feel that the iteration I own is horribly outdated and somehow no longer useful. It's a wonder I ever bought an iPod, considering a new model comes out every afternoon. Obviously, the whole concept is ridiculous. My camera is great and I really like it; money well spent. What bugs me is that the technology that has trickled down from the higher product tier, in this case the 40D, has resulted in a camera that is a much larger improvement over the XTi than the XTi was over the XT (do I sound crazy yet? Just wait).

Here are some of the features that I'd like to have on current camera that the XSi features:
- 12MP sensor
- Spot meter
- 3.5 frames per second burst mode
- Face detection and auto lighting optimizer

The XSi also comes with a kit lens that has image stabilization. The kit lens sucks, but IS is handy and usually results in a $250 or more premium over a lens with similar optics, so it's a nice improvement.

Anyway, it's a good camera. It has stuff that mine doesn't, but I think I can deal. I'm more focused on getting better lenses and a real flash now anyway. When I do buy a new body, it will most likely be in the 40D's tier...I hope.


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